胡适英文论著:中国民族危机 - (EPUB全文下载)

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A Republic for China
Analysis of the Monarchical Restoration in China
Manufacturing the Will of the People
Reconstruction in China
China's Chances of Survival
The Westernization of China and Japan
Japan's War in China
National Crisis and Student Life
The Meaning of October Tenth
The Present Situation in China
We Are Still Fighting
The Modernization of China and Japan
China's Power of Resistance
Factors Necessary for a Durable Peace in the Pacific Area: A Chinese View
China's Fighting Strength and Fighting Faith
China, Too, Is Fighting to Defend a Way of Life
Foundations of Friendship Between the Chinese and the Americans
Maker of Modern China: The Story of Sun Yat-sen
A Republic for China
The Cornell Era
Jan., 1912. pp. 240-242. Cornell Papers.
The New Year bells, as Tennyson sang, did "Ring out the old, ring in the new." Amidst their merry chimes there was brought forth, in the ancient land of China, a republic. Liberty rejoices in it. China's sons are rejoicing in it. Yet the world hesitates to join in our voices of rapture and gratification. There are still sneers and laughter at the idea of a republic for China. It is in the defense of this"chosen music" of Liberty for China that I venture to submit to our American friends a justification of that new birth in China.
The world seems to have the misconception that democracy is entirely a new thing to the Chinese. I call it a misconception because, though China has been under monarchical government for thousands of years, still, behind the monarchs and the aristocrats there has been dominating in China, a quiet, peaceful, oriental form of democracy. The Book of History
, the oldest of China's Classics, has the Golden Rule for the rulers:
"The people should be cherished.
And should not be downtrodden.
The people are the root of a nation:
If the root be firm the nation is safe."
Mencius, the Montesquieu of the Orient, said: "The people are to be regarded most; the sovereign, the least. He who gains the favor of a feudal prince may become an official; he who gains the favor of an emperor may become a feudal prince; but he who wins the hearts of the people is the son of heaven, that is, the emperor."
That the people are to be regarded most has been the essence of the laws of China. Most founders of the dynasties were men who won, not conquered, the people. "Neglect of the people" has always been a pretext in every declaration of the numerous revolutions which terminated old dynasties and established new ............

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