胡适英文论著:中国社会学 - (EPUB全文下载)
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The Social Message in Chinese Poetry
A Chinese Declaration of the Rights of Women
The Greatest Event in Life,A Farce in One Act
The Literary Renaissance
Introduction to Monkey
Marriage Customs in China
Introduction to The Story of the Chinese Eastern Railway
Which Road Are We Going?
Essay in Living Philosophies
Woman's Place in Chinese History
An Optimist in the Sea of Pessimism
An Optimist Looks at China
The Place of the Alumni Organization in the History of Universities
The Social Message in Chinese Poetry
The Chinese Social and Political Science Review
Jan., 1923. Vol. 7. pp. 66-79.
recent years, Chinese poetry has become so fashionable in Europe and America that many an observer of the new literary movements in China has begun to be puzzled at the fact that young China is endeavoring to overthrow a thing which has come to be so highly treasured in the West. Have we been guilty of lacking in appreciation for our own treasures? Or have the Occidental admirers of Chinese poetry been guilty of treasuring something which is after all not so valuable as they think? My own answer is that neither is the case. It is quite natural that Occidental poetry which has long been under the unconscious influence of epic verbosity, should find much admiration for the brief and concise imageries of Chinese poetry which for three thousand years has almost never indulged in the field of the epic. And it equally is natural that the Chinese poetry which has so long been petrified by an overemphasis upon a contentless formalism, should find itself in need of an emancipation largely in the direction of unadorned naturalness and simplicity.
But that question lies beyond the scope of my humble effort here and now. I am here to point out that Chinese poetry, like all poetry of the human race, does not depend entirely upon its formal phase. All the beautiful sound combinations, all the rich imagery, and other formal aspects are nothing but a part of the poetic technique which, when applied without an adequate content or when it restricts rather than helps the free development of the poetic content, is often more harmful than serviceable to poetry. And we must remember that poetic imageries are most liable of discoloring and fading. What was once the most vivid imagism may become the sordid poetic convention of to-day. The conventions which Wordsworth and Hugo and the modern poetic revolutionists have condemned were once the effective poetic devices of a bygone day. Moreover ............
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