英语词汇速记大全4——语境记忆法-俞敏洪 - (EPUB全文下载)

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Chapter 1 美好生活
Passage 1 让时间管理成为一种生活方式 Make Time Management a Lifestyle
Passage 2 捐出你的旧运动鞋 Recycled Sneakers Fit for Sharing
Passage 3 生命中没有橡皮擦 Live Your Life Without an Eraser
Passage 4 当婚姻陷入困境 When Marriage Gets Tough
Passage 5 七步找到更加满意的工作 Seven Steps to a More Fulfilling Job
Passage 6 拯救世界的七种办法 Seven Ways to Save the World
Passage 7 肥胖的原因 Supersize Surprise
Passage 8 语言与性别 Language and Gender
Passage 9 大自然疗法 A Grassroots Remedy
Passage 10 饮酒对我有益吗? Is Alcohol Good for Me?
Passage 11 新模式解读减肥难题 The Difficulty of Losing Weight Is Captured in a New Model
Passage 12 为什么我们更关注好看的人? Why We Pay More Attention to Beautiful People?
Passage 13 生命太短,邮件太长 Life's Too Short for So Much E-mail
Chapter 2 社会热点
Passage 14 更多英国大学应从创意获益 More UK Universities Should Be Profiting from Ideas
Passage 15 上网成瘾 Caught in the Web
Passage 16 女性认为沉默忧郁的男人更性感 Women Really Do Find the Silent, Brooding Type Sexier
Passage 17 美国政府称不存在美人鱼 There Are No Mermaids: US Government
Passage 18 广告媒介的选择 Media Selection for Advertisements
Passage 19 够了,孩子们 That's Enough, Kids
Passage 20 你如何看待多元化 How Do You See Diversity?
Passage 21 谷歌欲建世界最大的在线图书馆 Google's Plan for World's Biggest Online Library
Passage 22 威望恐慌 Prestige Panic
Passage 23 农业的可持续发展 Sustainable Development on Agriculture
Passage 24 初级护理的缺乏 Shortage of Primary Care
Passage 25 网上求职时,保护好你的隐私 Protect Your Privacy When Job-hunting Online
Passage 26 走向未知 Into the Unknown
Chapter 3 新奇事物
Passage 27 别被电量指示欺骗了 Your Battery Gauge Is Lying to You
Passage 28 伟大的发明 Spectacular Invention
Passage 29 太空旅行 Space Tourism
Passage 30 50年后世界将是什么样的? What Will the World Be Like in Fifty Years?
Passage 31 老板们同意在家办公 Bosses Say‘Yes’to Home Work
Passage 32 还会出现另一个爱因斯坦吗? Will There Be Another Einstein?
Passage 33 未来冰箱帮你决定每餐吃什么 The Fridge of the Future Will Tell You What to Have for Dinner
Passage 34 太空的味道 What Space Smells Like
Passage 35 智能房屋与你“感同身受” Smart House Feels Your Pain
Passage 36 垃圾邮件会引起温室气体排放吗? Is Spam Causing Greenhouse Gas?
Passage 37 咖啡也能做燃油 Oil in Your Coffee: A New Source of Fuel Production
Passage 38 谷歌的未来眼镜更加贴近现实 Google's Futuristic Glasses Move Closer to Reality
Chapter 4 温馨情感
Passage 39 友善的力量 The Power of Kindness
Passage 40 照片中的回忆 Memory in a Photograph
Passage 41 永远的情人节 My Forever Valentine
Passage 42 我生命中的“另一个女人” That“Other Woman”in My Life
Passage 43 “直升机妈妈”与自由放养的孩子 Helicopter Moms vs. Free-Range Kids
Passage 44 这就是朋友所为 That's What Friends Do
Passage 45 家 Home
Passage 46 我亲密的朋友阿诺德 My Bosom Friend Arnold
Passage 47 依靠一颗善良的心 A Good Heart to L ............

书籍《英语词汇速记大全4——语境记忆法-俞敏洪》 - 插图1
书籍《英语词汇速记大全4——语境记忆法-俞敏洪》 - 插图2


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