床头灯英语5000词纯英文-环游地球八十天 - (EPUB全文下载)

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前 言
CHAPTER 1 In which Phileas Fogg and Passepartout Accept Each Other,the One as Master, the Other as Man
CHAPTER 2 In which Passepartout Is Convinced that He Has at Last Found His Ideal
CHAPTER 3 In which a Conversation Takes Place which Seems Likely to Cost Phileas Fogg Dear
CHAPTER 4 In which Phileas Fogg Surprises Passepartout, His Servant
CHAPTER 5 In which a New Species of Funds, Unknown to the Moneyed Men, Appears on Change
CHAPTER 6 In which Fix, the Detective, Betrays a Very Natural Impatience
CHAPTER 7 In which Once More Demonstrates the Uselessness of Passports as Aids to Detectives
CHAPTER 8 In which Passepartout Talks Rather More, Perhaps, Than Is Prudent
CHAPTER 9 In which the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean Prove Helpful to the Designs of Phileas Fogg
CHAPTER 10 In which Passepartout Is Only Too Glad to Get off with the Loss of His Shoes
CHAPTER 11 In which Phileas Fogg Secures a Curious Means of Conveyance at a Fabulous Price
CHAPTER 12 In which Phileas Fogg and His Companions Venture Across the Indian Forests, and what Ensued
CHAPTER 13 In which Passepartout Receives a New Proof that Fortune Favours the Brave
CHAPTER 14 In which Phileas Fogg Descends the Whole Length of the Beautiful Valley of the Ganges Without Ever Thinking of Seeing It
CHAPTER 15 In which the Bag of Bank Notes Empties Some Thousands of Pounds More
CHAPTER 16 In which Fix Does Not Seem to Understand in the Least what Is Said to Him
CHAPTER 17 Showing what Happened on the Voyage from Singapore to Hong Kong
CHAPTER 18 In which Phileas Fogg, Passepartout, and Fix Go Each about His Business
CHAPTER 19 In which Passepartout Takes a Too Great Interest in His Master,and what Comes of It
CHAPTER 20 In which Fix Comes Face to Face with Phileas Fogg
CHAPTER 21 In which the Master of the Tankadere Runs Great Risk of Losing a Reward of Two Hundred Pounds
CHAPTER 22 In which Passepartout Finds out that, Even at the Antipodes, It Is Convenient to Have Some Money in One’s Pocket
CHAPTER 23 In which Passepartout’s Nose Becomes Outrageously Long
CHAPTER 24 During which Mr. Fogg and Party Cross the Pacific Ocean
CHAPTER 25 In which a Slight Glimpse Is Had of San Francisco
CHAPTER 26 In which Phileas Fogg and Party Travel by the Pacific Railroad
CHAPTER 27 In which Passepartout Undergoes, at a Speed of Twenty Miles an Hour, a Course of Mormon History
CHAPTER 28 In which Passepartout Does Not Succeed in Making Anybody Listen to Reason
CHAPTER 29 In which Certain Incidents Are Na ............

书籍《床头灯英语5000词纯英文-环游地球八十天》 - 插图1


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书云 Open E-Library » 床头灯英语5000词纯英文-环游地球八十天 - (EPUB全文下载)