床头灯英语5000词纯英文_天方夜谭 - (EPUB全文下载)

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Arabian Nights
Richard Burton
Smith Barney
北 京
Shahryar 山努亚:波斯国王
Sheherazade 桑鲁卓:宰相的女儿
Dunyazade 多亚德:桑鲁卓的妹妹
Sinbad the Seaman 航海家辛巴达
Sinbad the Porter 脚夫辛巴达
Aladdin 阿拉丁
Maghrabi 马格里布:魔法师
Ali Baba 阿里巴巴
Kasim 戈西母:阿里巴巴的兄长
目 录
CHAPTER 1 Entertainments
CHAPTER 2 The Porter and the Three Ladies of Baghdad
CHAPTER 3 The First Kalandar's Tale
CHAPTER 4 The Second Kalandar's Tale
CHAPTER 5 The Third Kalandar's Tale
CHAPTER 6 The Oldest Lady's Tale
CHAPTER 7 The Tale of the Three Apples
CHAPTER 8 Sinbad the Seaman
CHAPTER 9 Aladdin
CHAPTER 10 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
CHAPTER 11 Conclusion
The Arabian Nights,also called The Thousand and One Nights,is a collection of stories from Indian,Persian and Arabic oral tales that had been traveling for centuries throughout the area. In the fourteenth century,a certain number of these stories were included in a Syrian document,before the stories were eventually recompiled and translated several times,and is now regarded as an important piece of world literature.
The story begins with the Persian king,Shahryar,who,so shocked that his wife has had a secret love affair,kills her. Now convinced that all women must be unfaithful,the king demands a new wife every night. After spending the night with each of his new brides,he orders each one killed the next morning.
After some time,the royal counselor's clever daughter,Sheherazade,quite disturbed at such senseless murder,demands to become Shahrayar's next wife. Every night after the wedding,Sheherazade tells the king a story,leaving the story's ending for the following night. Thus,the king hears stories for the next one thousand and one nights before he at last is convinced of her loyalty,thus ending the killing.
Syrian[ˈsiriən]adj. 叙利亚人的
recompile[rikəmˈpail]v. 再编译
convince[kənˈvins]v. 确信
unfaithful[ˈʌnˈfeiθful]adj. 不诚实的
royal[ˈrɔiəl]adj. 皇室的
counselor[ˈkaunsələ]n. 顾问
loyalty[ˈlɔiəlti]n. 忠诚
CHAPTER 1 Entertainments
“I will never give up,”began Sheherazade to her father. “I will marry him despite your protests,”she exclaimed before at once going to th ............

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