国际商务英语写作 - (EPUB全文下载)

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目 录
Section One External Communications
Chapter 1 Components and Essential Qualities of a Business Letter
1.1 Questions for discussion
1.2 The importance of business letters
1.3 The common components of a business letter
1.4 The layout of a business letter
1.5 The essential qualities of a business letter
1.6 How to write a good-news letter and a bad-news letter?
1.7 Notes and explanations
1.8 Classroom activity
1.9 Exercises
Chapter 2 Establishing Business Relations
2.1 Questions for discussion
2.2 Background information
2.3 Sample letters
2.4 Analysis and discussion
2.5 Points to remember
2.6 More useful patterns
2.7 Notes and explanations
2.8 Classroom activity
2.9 Exercises
Chapter 3 Inquiries and Replies
3.1 Questions for discussion
3.2 Background information
3.3 Sample letters
3.4 Analysis and discussion
3.5 Points to remember
3.6 More useful patterns
3.7 Notes and explanations
3.8 Classroom activity
3.9 Exercises
Chapter 4 Quotations, Offers and Counter-offers
4.1 Questions for discussion
4.2 Background information
4.3 Sample letters
4.4 Analysis and discussion
4.5 Points to remember
4.6 More useful patterns
4.7 Notes and explanations
4.8 Classroom activity
4.9 Exercises
Chapter 5 Sales Promotion and Follow-ups
5.1 Questions for discussion
5.2 Background information
5.3 Sample letters
5.4 Analysis and discussion
5.5 Points to remember
5.6 More useful patterns
5.7 Notes and explanations
5.8 Classroom activity
5.9 Exercises
Chapter 6 Orders and Executing Orders
6.1 Questions for discussion
6.2 Background information
6.3 Sample letters
6.4 Analysis and discussion
6.5 Points to remember
6.6 More useful patterns
6.7 Notes and explanations
6.8 Classroom activity
6.9 Exercises
Chapter 7 Payment
7.1 Questions for discussion
7.2 Background information
7.3 Sample letters
7.4 Analysis and discussion
7.5 Points to remember
7.6 More useful patterns
7.7 Notes and explanations
7.8 Classroom activity
7.9 Exercises
Chapter 8 Shipment and Insurance
8.1 Questions for discussion
8.2 Background information
8.3 Sample letters
8.4 Analysis and discussion
8.5 Points to remember
8.6 More useful patterns
8.7 Notes and explanations
8.8 Classroom activity
8.9 Exercises
Chapter 9 Complaints, Claims and Adjustments
9.1 Questions for discussion
9.2 Background information
9.3 Sample letters
9.4 Analysis and discussion
9.5 Points to remember
9.6 More useful patterns
9.7 Notes and explanations
9.8 Classroom activity
9.9 Exercises
Chapter 10 Agency
10.1 Questions for discussion
10.2 B ............

书籍《国际商务英语写作》 - 插图1
书籍《国际商务英语写作》 - 插图2


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