NOCAPITALDROPSHIPPING_HowtoCreateandGrow.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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How to Create and Grow Your Own E-Commerce Dropshipping Business Without Spending a Single Dime on Inventory and Advertising
Erik Malik
w/ Andy Black
Step 1 - Find a Product on Ebay & Aliexpress
Step 2 - Create a Landing Page (Blogger)
Step 3 - Sell via FB Fan Page
Step 4 – Optimize for Search Engine Traffic
Step 4 - Fulfilling the Order
There are literally thousands of ways to make money but somehow, you end up reading this book about dropshipping.
I wrote this book for 2 kinds of people.
1 – The one looking for a way to start a business without capital whatsoever
2 – The one who is willing to do the work required to succeed
If you match both of the description, then this book is for you.
Online dropshipping is basically selling products that you don’t have at the moment and then ordering them to the original seller once your buyer pays you the money.
So you’re just a middleman in this situation.
You don’t have to worry about inventories and all that stuff.
You only job is to market your products!
That’s it.
Don’t forget this line.
Your only real job is to sell the product.
On the next few chapters, I’m gonna show you a simple way to make money via what I call NO CAPITAL DROPSHIPPING.
It means even if you don’t have a single dime in your bank account, you can still apply what you’ll learn from this book.
My only wish for you is that you don’t take the SIMPLE but useful information in this book.
Sounds fair?
Let’s get started.
Step 1 - Find a Product on Ebay & Aliexpress
The 1
step to a successful dropshipping business is to find a profitable product.
So how do we know that the product we’ll choose is likely to make money or not?
Simple, just follow my criterion that has been proven to weed out the weak products.
#1 – Price should be $10-60
It should be an impulse buy. Our website doesn’t have the trust that other sites like Amazon have.
The lower the price the easier it is to sell. However, this only applies for beginner sellers like you.
#2 – It should be light
We want something that has free shipping on Ebay or Aliexpress. Most of the time, light products are the ones that has free shipping.
#3 – Other people are already buying it on or
We can easily see this one of the salespage of the product. I’ll teach you how to do this later.
Just follow these 3 criterion and you are most likely to find good products to sell on your own website.
No ............

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