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Little Rice: Smartphones, Xiaomi, and the Chinese Dream
Copyright © 2015 by Clay Shirky
All rights reserved
Published by Columbia Global Reports
91 Claremont Avenue, Suite 515, New York, NY 10027
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015946812
ISBN: 978-0-9909763-3-2
Book design by Strick&Williams
Map design by Jeffrey L. Ward
Author photograph credit: Barbara Alper

Chapter One: Smartphones
Chapter Two: Internet
Chapter Three: Xiaomi
Chapter Four: Number One Producer, Number One Consumer
Chapter Five: The Chinese Apple
Chapter Six: Maker Movement
Chapter Seven: The Chinese Dream
Chapter Eight: Copy the Copycat
Further Readings
A couple of years ago, while I was doing some work at NYU’s Shanghai campus, I got lost on the subway. As a New Yorker, it takes a lot to make me feel like a country mouse, but at triple the population of my hometown, Shanghai does it. Even though the Shanghai subway system is amazingly well-provisioned with directions in English, I got out at the wrong stop. I didn’t figure this out right away, because the subway exited into a mall, just like at my stop, and Shanghai has so many malls—36 million square feet of retail space will be built this year—it can be hard to tell one from another.
Walking in a daze through a vast collection of hallways and shops, I did the very thing people who build confusing malls wanted me to do: I slowed down and started looking around, whereupon I noticed a booth selling mobile phones, a thing I happened to need at the time. I saw a particularly nice one, all black, rounded sides, quite stylish, whose logo read Mi3. I
decided that a Mi3 would be as good a phone as any, so the vendor and I did that curious pointing and gesturing thing people do when transacting with no common language except money, and ten minutes later, I had my phone.
There is not much a middle-aged guy can do to seem au courant
to eighteen-year-olds, but that phone did it. For the next several days on campus, whenever I needed to do anything on my phone, one of the Chinese students would ask, “Where did you get that?” Not, “What kind of phone is that?”—they all recognized it. The Mi3 was a huge hit for Xiaomi, the startup that made it, selling faster than the company could produce them. I had managed to get my hands on a phone so popular, the company couldn’t always keep up with demand, making me briefly the envy of tee ............

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