这个世界会好吗_梁漱溟晚年口述 - (EPUB全文下载)

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Copyright © Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 2009
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
Published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
No. 19 Xisanhuan Beilu
Beijing, China 100089
这个世界会好吗?:梁漱溟晚年口述 = Has Man a Future? : Dialogues with the Last Confucian:英文/ 梁漱溟,(美) 艾恺 (Alitto, G.S.)著;(美) 艾恺 (Alitto, G.S.)译.— 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 2009.9
ISBN 978-7-5600-8440-4
Ⅰ. (1)这…Ⅱ. (1)梁… (2)艾…Ⅲ. (1)梁漱溟 (1893~1988)—哲学思想—研究—英文Ⅳ. (1)B261
责任编辑:吴浩   易璐
版次:2010年3月第1版   2010年3月第1次印刷
书号:ISBN   978-7-5600-8440-4
版权保护办公室举报电话:(010) 88817519
Mr. Liang Shuming, in Guilin, 1942
Mr. Liang Shuming, President of the Shandong Rural Reconstruction Institute, 1934
Mr. Liang Shuming, during the interview, 1980
Chapter 1   August 12, 1980
Chapter 2   August 13, 1980
Chapter 3   August 14, 1980
Chapter 4   August 15, 1980
Chapter 5   August 16, 1980
Chapter 6   August 17, 1980
Chapter 7   August 18, 1980
Chapter 8   August 19, 1980
Chapter 9   August 20, 1980
Chapter 10   August 21, 1980
Chapter 11   August 22, 1980
Chapter 12   August 24, 1980
Chapter 13   August 25, 1980
I am honored to be able to write a preface to this volume.
First I want to explain how this dialogue between Mr. Liang Shuming and me came about.
I became interested in Mr. Liang's life and career as a graduate student at Harvard University, and took it as the subject of my Ph.D. dissertation. I gathered materials in Taiwan and Hong Kong, as well as sought out and interviewed [many of] his old friends and acquaintances. Because of the Sino-American political situation at the time, I never had an opportunity to go to China and meet personally the subject of my research, Mr. Liang. In the first part of 1973 I had my first opportunity to go to China. For an American to be able to go to China at that time was still extremely unusual. Why was I able to make the trip? After President Nixon visited China, several Chinese delegations visited the United States in succession, and I served as their interpreter, and so became a channel of communication between the t ............

书籍《这个世界会好吗_梁漱溟晚年口述》 - 插图1
书籍《这个世界会好吗_梁漱溟晚年口述》 - 插图2


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