走向人人享有保障的社会:当代中国社会保障的制度变迁 - (EPUB全文下载)
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ISBN 978-7-5161-6977-3
Ⅰ.①走… Ⅱ.①周…②张… Ⅲ.①社保保障—研究—中国 Ⅳ.①D632.1
出 版 人 赵剑英
责任编辑 王茵
特约编辑 王琪
责任校对 郝阳洋
责任印制 王超
数字编辑 周晏
出 版
社 址 北京鼓楼西大街甲158号
邮 编 100720
网 址 http://www.csspw.cn
发 行 部 010-84083685
门 市 部 010-84029450
经 销 新华书店及其他书店
印 刷 装订北京君升印刷有限公司
版 次 2015年10月第1版
印 次 2015年10月第1次印刷
开 本 710×1000 1/16
印 张 19.25
插 页 2
字 数 238千字
纸书定价 69.00元
版权所有 侵权必究
Professor Dr.Zhou Hong is a Member of the Academic Divisions of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS)and serves as Deputy Chair of the Academic Division for International Studies of CASS.She is the Chairwoman of the China Association for European Studies,Deputy Chair to the China Association for Social Security Studies,and to the China Association for International Relations.In 1997,she was elected as a delegate to the 15thCPC National Congress.In 2012,she became a deputy to the 12t hNational People's Congress.Her major publications include On Foreign Aid(2013),Assessing 10 Years of China-EU St rategic Partnership(ed.,2013),China's Foreign Aid:60 Years in Retrospect(ed.,2012),Social Security Systems Worldwide(ed.,2010-2011),Donors in Chin(aco-authored,2007),Whither the Welfare Stat(e2006),and The Process of European Civilization(co-authored,2003).She has been editing the Annual European Development Report dur ing 1996-2013.
Prof.Dr.Zhang Jun is a senior research fellow in Institute of European Studies,CASS.She is specialized in the research on EU inter nal governance,development aid and welfare state system.She has participated in the project “Social Security Systems Worldwide”,financed by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of PRC.Her publications on welfare state include Predicaments of Welfare States,Dedemocratization and theE uropean Common Market.HowD o Europeans Approach a Political Transformation,Changes in Welfare Ethics:Universality and Specialty Displayedi n “Responsibility”.
: 李 ............
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