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To the magickal Griffin, the newest light and love in my life, who came into the world, and spent some time in my arms while I wrote this book

Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more,
Men were deceivers ever.
—William Shakespeare
Justice without force is powerless;
force without justice is tyrannical.
—Blaise Pascal

He needed killing.
She’d researched, studied, planned the who, when, how, and why for more than a year, and had chosen Nigel B. McEnroy to be the first.
At forty-three, he had a wife of eleven years, two children—both girls, ages nine and six. He had, over the course of eighteen years, built his own executive headhunting business with two partners. As CEO of Perfect Placement, he oversaw recruitment both on- and off-planet.
Though he maintained his base in London, he traveled extensively. Perfect Placement kept offices in New York, East Washington, Tokyo, Madrid, Sydney, New L.A., Dubai, Hong Kong, Vegas II, and most recently had established a center on the Olympus Resort.
He lived well, entertained lavishly, had earned a reputation for pinpointing the precise needs of a client and making what he thought of as a perfect marriage.
In business, Nigel B. McEnroy was scrupulous, exacting, ethical, and diligent.

None of that stopped him from being, in his private life, a liar, a cheat, an adulterer, and a serial rapist.
The man was unquestionably a pig, and it was time for the slaughter.
She looked forward to it, and felt she’d chosen her first very well.
He liked cheating with redheads, ones with large breasts, ones—most usually—lower on the food chain of power than himself. When he wasn’t fishing in his own company pool, he enjoyed hunting in upscale clubs.
If that wasn’t bad enough, considering his wife and two children, he usually tipped a drug into his ............

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