TheSickeness - (EPUB全文下载)

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Chapter 1
My name is Cassie.
I wish I could tell you my whole name. Because that would mean I was a nice, normal girl. But I'm not either one. Not nice. Not normal.
Okay, my friends think I'm nice. Marco is always calling me a tree-hugger. And even though I don't actually hug trees, I do care about them. Which makes me nice, right? A girl who cares about trees can't be anything but nice.
Unless that girl has also ripped a living creature's throat out with her bare teeth. Which I have.
I was in wolf morph, deep in battle. Seven Hork-Bajir against six of us. Jake gave the order to retreat. And either right before he said it, or right after, I yanked the throat out of the Hork-Bajir I was fighting.
I hope it was right before. I hope that I didn't go in for the kill when I could have just run. But I'm not sure.
That's why I don't think I qualify as nice. You've probably already gotten a clue why I don't qualify as normal.
Here's the short version: An Andalite prince named Elfangor gave the power to morph to me and four of my friends. He knew he was about to die, and he didn't want to leave Earth defenseless against the Yeerk invasion.
He showed us a small blue box. We pressed our hands against it. And we were changed.
This morphing cube was lost for a while. Now we have it again. We've used it once, to add an Animorph to our group.
Then we had to subtract that new Animorph. And we've kept the blue box hidden ever since.
Since that night in the construction site, since that change, the five of us, plus Elfangor's younger brother, have been fighting the Yeerks.
Yeerks are parasites. A Yeerk enters a host through the ear canal, flattens itself out on the brain, and takes over completely. The host creature can't scratch an itch unless the Yeerk wants it to. We call a being who has been taken over that way a Controller.
You must be thinking the Yeerks are pure evil. But let me tell you what it's like to be a Yeerk who isn't in a host. Yeerks are basically gray slugs. No hands, no legs, no eyes, no ears.
If a Yeerk wants to be free, free to really move, free to see the beauty of the world around it, free to hear music or even the sound of rain on leaves, if a Yeerk wants that, it has to have a host. If a Yeerk wants to be free, it has to make another living creature a slave.
Not an easy choice, is it?
I know something about hard choices. I've made a lot of them since I became an Animorph. And one of the hardest was whether I wanted to be an Animorph at all. Because ............

书籍《TheSickeness》 - 插图1


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