MasteringUnityShadersandEffects - (EPUB全文下载)

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Mastering Unity Shaders and Effects
Table of Contents
Mastering Unity Shaders and Effects
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1. Getting to Grips with Standard Shaders
Creating the project
Importing the project files
Loading and navigating the spacecraft maintenance scene
Creating the astronaut material
Creating a material for the astronaut's accessories
Making objects transparent
Creating the spacecraft material
Creating the spacecraft's decal material
Creating the planet material
Setting up the skybox
Adjusting the scene lighting and adding effects
2. Creating Custom Shaders
Opening the project
Opening the scene
Creating our first custom shader
Seeing the shader in action
Adding a texture to the moon shader
Making the moon shader compatible with the scene lighting
Creating better transparency for the astronaut's helmet
Creating a custom transparent shader
Editing the new glass shader
Creating the inner surface of the helmet
Separating front and back faces
Improving the planet's atmosphere
Creating the custom planet shader
Applying the planet shader
Editing the planet shader
Adding new properties to the planet shader
Adding the atmosphere shader pass
Setting the planet material inputs
3. Working with Lighting and Light-Emitting Surfaces
Looking at the scene light setup
Adding emissive properties to a material
Adding the Bloom effect
Adding a reflection probe
Creating a wireframe emissive material for the planet-surface scanner
Viewing the wireframe emissive shader in the scene
Adding the wireframe shader's second pass
Completing the planet scan projection effect
4. Animating Surfaces with Code and Shaders
Starting the scene
Creating a dynamic warning light effect
Animating the light
Animating the control panel illumination
Animating UV coordinates
Animating the planet projection display
Creating an animated hotspot on the planet
Creating the hotspot geometry
Creating the hotspot material
Writing the hotspot animation script
Setting up the hotspot variables and finalizing the effect
5. Exploring Transparent Surfaces and Effects
Starting the scene
Creating the dust cloud material
Adding fog to the scene
Animating the dust cloud transp ............

书籍《MasteringUnityShadersandEffects》 - 插图1
书籍《MasteringUnityShadersandEffects》 - 插图2


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