FoundationandEmpire - (EPUB全文下载)

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Title Page
1. Search for Magicians
2. The Magicians
3. The Dead Hand
4. The Emperor
5. The War Begins
6. The Favorite
7. Bribery
8. To Trantor
9. On Trantor
10. The War Ends
11. Bride and Groom
12. Captain and Mayor
13. Lieutenant and Clown
14. The Mutant
15. The Psychologist
16. Conference
17. The Visi-Sonor
18. Fall of the Foundation
19. Start of the Search
20. Conspirator
21. Interlude in Space
22. Death on Neotrantor
23. The Ruins of Trantor
24. Convert
25. Death of a Psychologist
26. End of the Search
About the Author
Also by Isaac Asimov
Copyright Page

To the memory of my father

The Galactic Empire was falling.
It was a colossal Empire, stretching across millions of worlds from arm-end to arm-end of the mighty multi-spiral that was the Milky Way. Its fall was colossal, too—and a long one, for it had a long way to go.
It had been falling for centuries before one man became really aware of that fall. That man was Hari Seldon, the man who represented the one spark of creative effort left among the gathering decay. He developed and brought to its highest pitch the science of psychohistory.
Psychohistory dealt not with man, but man-masses. It was the science of mobs; mobs in their billions. It could forecast reactions to stimuli with something of the accuracy that a lesser science could bring to the forecast of a rebound of a billiard ball. The reaction of one man could be forecast by no known mathematics; the reaction of a billion is something else again.
Hari Seldon plotted the social and economic trends of the time, sighted along the curves and foresaw the continuing and accelerating fall of civilization and the gap of thirty thousand years that must elapse before a struggling new Empire could emerge from the ruins.
It was too late to stop that fall, but not too late to narrow the gap of barbarism. Seldon established two Foundations at “opposite ends of the Galaxy” and their location was so designed that in one short millennium events would knit and mesh so as to force out of them a stronger, more permanent, more benevolent Second Empire.
Foundation has told the story of one of those Foundations during the first two centuries of life.
It began as a settlem ............

书籍《FoundationandEmpire》 - 插图1
书籍《FoundationandEmpire》 - 插图2


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