AfterYou - (EPUB全文下载)

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Praise for Jojo Moyes
Praise for Me Before You
“A hilarious, heartbreaking, riveting novel . . . I will stake my reputation on this book.”
—Anne Lamott, People
“When I finished this novel, I didn’t want to review it: I wanted to reread it. . . . An affair to remember.”
—Liesl Schillinger, The
New York Times Book Review
“An unlikely love story . . . To be devoured like candy, between tears.”
—O, The Oprah Magazine
“Masterful . . . A heartbreaker in the best sense . . . Me Before You
is achingly hard to read at moments, and yet such a joy.”
—New York Daily News
“READ IT AND WEEP: Heartbreak collides with humor in Jojo Moyes’s Me Before You
—Good Housekeeping
“Funny, surprising, and heartbreaking, populated with characters who are affecting and amusing . . . This is a thought-provoking, thoroughly entertaining novel that captures the complexity of love.”
“There are books that you cannot put down. There are also books where you become so invested in the characters, you force yourself to stop reading to prolong the experience because you don’t want the story to end, and that’s what can happen when you read Jojo Moyes’s latest book, Me Before You
. . . . You’ll find yourself laughing, smiling, feeling angry, and, yes, crying. My only suggestion: Me Before You
should be sold with a pack of tissues.”
—Associated Press
Praise for The Girl You Left Behind
“Vibrant and gripping.”

“Jojo Moyes expertly weaves a bittersweet tale in this irresistible novel, taking careful interest in the dark corners that exist within great love stories, and the trickiness of simple happy endings.”
—Entertainment Weekly
“Moyes writes delicious plots, with characters so clearly imagined they leap off the pages in high-definition prose.”
—USA Today

“Jojo Moyes builds on her strengths in this moving and accomplished new novel. . . . The Girl You Left Behind
is strong, provocative, satisfying fiction.”
—The Washington Post
“In this moving paean to daring, determination, and perspicacity, Moyes keeps the reader guessing down to the last hankie.”
—Los Angeles Times
Praise for The Last Letter from Your Lover
“With its realistically complicated characters and emotionally complex plot, The Last Letter from Your Lover
is hopelessly and hopefully romantic.”
—Chicago Tribune
“Crafting a love story that feels not just compelling but true is a very difficult thing indeed—and yet, with The Last Letter from Your Lover
, Jojo Moyes has done it. . . . ............

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书云 Open E-Library » AfterYou - (EPUB全文下载)