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Creative Selection
Inside Apple’s Design Process During the Golden Age of Steve Jobs
Ken Kocienda
St. Martin’s Press
New York
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For CDK and JGK
This book is about my fifteen years at Apple, my efforts to make great software while I was there, and the stories and observations I want to relate about those times. If you want to know what it was like to give a demo to Steve Jobs, or why the iPhone touchscreen keyboard turned out the way it did, or what made Apple’s product culture special, read on.
I’ll tell you what it was like to be an Apple software engineer, the pressures and pleasures of working at such a demanding company, and the rush of excitement we coders feel when we make a computer do something new using nothing more than solitude, brain power, and typing.
I’ll tell you about the Apple programmer community I became a part of, and how a small group of geeky introverts created a web browser and a touchscreen smartphone operating system starting with only dreams, goals, and ideas.
I’ll tell you about how programmers fit into the larger Apple software development system, the joys of collaborating with designers who could bring refinement and elegance to the look and feel of our apps, and the stress of presenting work to colleagues, managers, and executives who always pressed for improvements that seemed just out of reach.
There are many aspects to making products in the Apple way—industrial design, hardware engineering, marketing, legal, and managing a vast international supply chain, to name just a few—but to understand what makes Apple what it is, its essence,
you need to understand software, and I’ll introduce you to the world programmers inhabit, how software gets made from scratch, and how we tried to imbue this software with spirit. While other companies design b ............

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