TheSecretAdversary - (EPUB全文下载)

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       Tommy and Tuppence: An Introduction
  1   The Young Adventurers, Ltd.
  2   Mr. Whittington’s Offer
  3   A Setback
  4   Who is Jane Finn?
  5   Mr. Julius P. Hersheimmer
  6   A Plan of Campaign
  7   The House in Soho
  8   The Adventures of Tommy
  9   Tuppence Enters Domestic Service
10   Enter Sir James Peel Edgerton
11   Julius Tells a Story
12   A Friend in Need
13   The Vigil
14   A Consultation
15   Tuppence Receives a Proposal
16   Further Adventures of Tommy
17   Annette
18   The Telegram
19   Jane Finn
20   Too Late
21   Tommy Makes a Discovery
22   In Downing Street
23   A Race Against Time
24   Julius Takes a Hand
25   Jane’s Story
26   Mr. Brown
27   A Supper Party at the Savoy
28   And After
       About the Author
       The Agatha Christie Collection
       Related Products
       About the Publisher
Tommy and Tuppence: An Introduction
by John Curran
“Tommy, old thing.”
“Tuppence, old bean.”
This exchange from The Secret Adversary (1922) introduces Agatha Christie readers to the detective team of Tommy and Tuppence Beresford. This light-hearted banter sets the tone not just for this book but also for the future novels and short stories in the series; although calling it a series is somewhat misleading as, unlike Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple and their extensive casebooks, there are only five Tommy and Tuppence titles. They stretch over Christie’s entire writing life, with two titles in both her first and last decade and one from mid-career. The Secret Adversary was her second published novel; while the last novel she ever wrote, Postern of Fate (1973), was also a Tommy and Tuppence. In between there was the short story collection Partners in Crime (1929) and the spy story N or M? (1941), followed by a long gap before the sinister murder-mystery By the Pricking of My Thumbs (1968).
Husband-and-wife detective teams are relatively rare in crime fiction. Dashiell Hammett created Nick and Nora Charles in The Thin Man (1934), their only adventure despite the half-dozen films with William Powell and Myrna Loy that featured them. Pam and Jerry North, the creation of husband-and-wife team Richard and Frances Lockridge, detected their way through twenty-six novels. And although many other detective characters have marriage partners—Inspector French, Gideon Fell, Inspector Alleyn—they are not usually active investigative partners. But Tommy and Tuppence Beresford are unique in meet ............

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