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KEEP ON READING: Recommended Reading
Heart of the Matter by Emily Griffin
A powerful, provocative novel about motherhood and marriage, love and forgiveness. (St. Martin’s Press)
Come Home by Lisa Scottoline
The dramatic story of a family dealing with the aftermath of divorce and tragedy. (St. Martin’s Press)
7 Steps to Bonding with Your Stepchild by Suzen J. Zieghan, Ph.D.
A practical, upbeat guide to stepparenting from an acclaimed clinical psychologist. (St. Martin’s Griffin)
Stepmonster: A New Look at Why Real Stepmothers Think, Feel, and Act the Way We Do by Wednesday Martin.
A frank look at the role of stepmother, that guides and empowers women who are struggling. (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
Stepcoupling: Creating and Sustaining a Strong Marriage in Today’s Blended Family bySusan Wisdom
Great tips and strategies for once the bliss wears off and the realities and challenges of the blended family set in. (Three Rivers Press)
Why Did You Have to Get a Divorce? And When Can I Get a Hamster? by Anthony E. Wolf, Ph.D. Definitive advice from the bestselling author of Get Out of My Life. (Farrar, Straus and Giroux Paperbacks)
KEEP ON READING: Reading Group Questions
Jane Green’s novel, Another Piece of My Heart, opens with an anonymous quote: “Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.” What exactly does this mean? How does it apply to Andi? To Emily? To other characters in the book? Would you say the quote applies to your life? How?
As the novel so vividly portrays, being part of a blended family can be extremely challenging. What are some of the mistakes Andi and Ethan make? What should they have done differently? What are some of the challenges that you and your own family have faced together?
From the beginning, Ethan’s younger daughter, Sophia, is very accepting of Andi, while his adolescent daughter, Emily, is resentful and rude. When it comes to dealing with big issues like divorce and second marriages, do you think it’s harder for younger children or for teenagers? How is it different, and why?
After five years of living together as a family, Andi still feels uncomfortable confronting or disciplining Emily—mostly because Ethan is a defensive dad. Do you think most parents are overprotective and blind to their children’s faults? Do you believe “it takes a village” to raise a child—or it’s none of your business? Have you ever given and/or received child-rearing advice? How did it go?
The author describes the relationship between A ............

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