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Appian, BC = Appian, Civil Wars.
Broughton, MRR 2 = Broughton, T., & Patterson, M., The Magistrates of the Roman Republic, Vol. 2 (1951).
Caesar, BC = Caesar, The Civil Wars.
Caesar, BG = Caesar, The Gallic Wars.
CAH2 IX = Crook, J., Lintott, A., & Rawson, E. (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History 2nd edn, Vol. IX: The Last Age of the Roman Republic, 146–43 BC(1994).
CAH2 X = Bowman, A., Champlin, E., & Lintott, A. (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History 2nd edn, Vol. X: The Augustan Empire, 43 BC—AD 69 (1996).
Cicero, ad Att. = Cicero, Letters to Atticus.
Cicero, ad Fam. = Cicero, Letters to his Friends.
Cicero, ad Quintum Fratrem = Cicero, Letters to his Brother Quintus.
Cicero, Agr. = Cicero, Orationes de Lege Agraria.
Cicero, De reg. Alex. F. = Cicero, fragment from the Oration Concerning the King of Alexandria.
Cicero, Verrines = Cicero, Verrine Orations.
CIG = Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum.
CIL = Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum.
De vir. Ill. = the anonymous De viris illustribus.
Dio = Cassius Dio, Roman History.
Galen, Comm. In Hipp. Epid., CMG = K¨hn, C., Galenus Medicus (1821–1833), supplemented by Diels, H. et al. (1918–).
Gellius, NA = Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights.
ILS = Dessau, H. (ed.), Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae (1892–1916).
Josephus, AJ = Josephus, Jewish Antiquities.
Josephus, BJ = Josephus, The Jewish War.
JRA = Journal of Roman Archaeology.
JRS = Journal of Roman Studies.
Livy, Pers. = Livy, Roman History: Periochae.
OGIS = Dittenberger, W., Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae (1903–1905).
PIR1 = Kelbs, E., et al., Prosopographia Imperii Romani (1933–).
Pliny, Epistulae = Pliny the Younger, Letters.
Pliny, NH = Pliny the Elder, Natural History.
Quintilian = Quintilian, Training in Oratory.
RIB = Collingwood, R., & Wright, R., Roman Inscriptions in Britain (1965–).
Sallust, Bell. Cat. = Sallust, The Catilinarian War.
Sallust, Bell. Jug. = Sallust, The Jugurthine War.
SEG = Roussel, P., Tod, M., Ziebarth, E., & Hondius, J. (eds.), Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (1923–).
Serv. = Servius.
Strabo, Geog. = Strabo, Geography.
Valerius Maximus = Valerius Maximus, Memorable Doings and Sayings.
Velleius Paterculus = Velleius Paterculus, Roman History.
Like all my books, this one has been greatly improved by the generosity of friends and family who have taken the time to read drafts of the manuscript or listen to my ideas as they developed. All contributed to making this a much better book, and added to the great ............

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