ThinkingStrategically - (EPUB全文下载)

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Thinking StrategicallyPocket Mentor Series
The Pocket Mentor Series offers immediate solutions to
common challenges managers face on the job every day.
Each book in the series is packed with handy tools, self-tests,
and real-life examples to help you identify your strengths
and weaknesses and hone critical skills. Whether you're at
your desk, in a meeting, or on the road, these portable
guides enable you to tackle the daily demands of your work
with greater speed, savvy, and effectiveness.
Books in the series:
StrategicallyExpert Solutions to
Everyday Challenges
Mentor's Message: Why Learn to Think Strategically? xi
Thinking Strategically: The Basics
An Overview of Thinking Strategically 3
A look at key elements of strategic thinking.
What is strategic thinking? 4
Why is strategic thinking important? 5
Who needs to think strategically? 6
What are the distinguishing characteristics of strategic thinkers? 7
What are the steps in strategic thinking? 9
Step 1: See the Big Picture 11
How to begin setting the stage for thinking strategically.
Understanding company and unit strategies 12
Analyzing customers, competitors, and your industry 16
Considering internal stakeholders' priorities 18
Step 2: Articulate Strategic Objectives 23
Suggestions for focusing on important goals.
Understanding your boss's objectives 24
Defining your own objectives 26
Identifying project-related objectives 27
Making your objectives "SMART" 28
Step 3: Identify Relationships, Patterns, and Trends 31
Ideas for seeing connections and paring down the number of issues to grapple with.
Understanding how it works 32
Devising solutions 33
Categorizing information 34
Step 4: Get Creative 37
Tips for generating alternative courses of action.
Challenging your assumptions 38
Inviting provocation 39
Envisioning an ideal world 40
Gathering others' perspectives 41
Fostering an environment for creativity 42
Step 5: Analyze Information 45
Ideas for sorting through and prioritizing information.
Identifying critical information you need 46
Steering clear of irrelevant information 49
Crafting an information-gathering plan 50
Building on existing knowledge 52
Step 6: Prioritize Your Actions 55
Recommendations for staying focused on your objectives.
Establishing time lines 56
Keeping the big picture in sight 57
Step 7: Make TradeOffs 59
Tactics for striking the right balance in the course of action you've chosen.
Assessing the pros and cons of a proposed course of action 60
Compa ............

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书籍《ThinkingStrategically》 - 插图2


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