CharlesDickens_TheCompleteSupernaturalSt.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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Charles Dickens
Table of Contents
The Queer Chair
The Ghosts of the Mail
The True Legend of Prince Bladud
The Lawyer and the Ghost
The Goblins Who Stole a Sexton
A Madman’s Manuscript
The Baron of Grogzwig
The Mother’s Eyes
A Christmas Carol
The Chimes
The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain
A Child’s Dream of a Star
Christmas Ghosts
To Be Read at Dusk
The Hanged Man’s Bride
Well-Authenticated Rappings
The Ghost in Master B.’s Room
Captain Murderer and the Devil’s Bargain
Mr. Testator’s Visitation
Four Ghost Stories
The Portrait-Painter’s Story
The Trial for Murder
The Signal-Man

The Queer Chair
One winter’s evening, about five o’clock, just as it began to grow dusk, a man in a gig might have been seen urging his tired horse along the road which leads across Marlborough Downs, in the direction of Bristol. I say he might have been seen, and I have no doubt he would have been, if anybody but a blind man had happened to pass that way; but the weather was so bad, and the night so cold and wet, that nothing was out but the water, and so the traveler jogged along in the middle of the road, lonesome and dreary enough. If any bagman of that day could have caught sight of the little neck-or-nothing sort of gig, with a clay-colored body and red wheels, and the vixenish, ill tempered, fast-going bay mare, that looked like a cross between a butcher’s horse and a twopenny post-office pony, he would have known at once, that this traveler could have been no other than Tom Smart, of the great house of Bilson and Slum, Cateaton Street, City. However, as there was no bagman to look on, nobody knew anything at all about the matter; and so Tom Smart and his clay-colored gig with the red wheels, and the vixenish mare with the fast pace, went on together, keeping the secret among them, and nobody was a bit the wiser.
There are many pleasanter places even in this dreary world, than Marlborough Downs when it blows hard; and if you throw in beside, a gloomy winter’s evening, a miry and sloppy road, and a pelting fall of heavy rain, and try the effect, by way of experiment, in your own proper person, you will experience the full force of this observation.
The wind blew

not up the road or down it, though that’s bad enough, but sheer across it, sending the rain slanting down like the lines they used to rule in the copy-books at school, to make the boys slope well. For a moment it would die away, and the traveler would begin ............

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