纸牌屋剧本第三季 - (EPUB全文下载)

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House Of cards Season 03 Scripts【纸牌屋第三季】中英对照剧本
House Of cards S03E01
1--Hey, Pop.爸
2--Been a while, hasn't it? 好久不见啊
3--Did you see that motorcade roll up? 看到车队驶过来了吗
4--It's the first time that the President of the United States 这是首次有美国总统
5--has visited Gaffney.来到加夫尼
6--Can you believe it? 你能相信吗
7--Oh, I wouldn't be here if I had a choice.如果我有的选 我也不会来
8--But I have to do these sort of things now.但我现在得做这种事了
9--Makes me seem more human.让我显得更有人情味
10--And you have to be a little human when you're the president.做总统就得有点人情味
11--He couldn't even afford to pay for his own gravestone.他都没钱给自己买墓碑
12--I paid for it out of my own scholarship money from The Sentinel.我用自己桑蒂诺军事学院的奖买的
13--Nobody showed up for his funeral except me.他葬礼那天只有我去了
14--Not even my mother.我母亲都没去
15--But I'll tell you this, though, Pop:但我要告诉你 爸
16--when they bury me, it won't be in my backyard.等我下葬的时候 绝不会是葬在自家后院
17--And when they come to pay their respects,等人们前来吊唁我的时候
18--they'll have to wait in line.他们得排队
19--You should let us take a photo at the grave.你该让我们在墓地拍张照
20--He wants privacy. The man's honoring his father, for God's sakes.他想要点隐私 他可是在给父亲扫啊
21--Here's the info you were looking for.这是你要的信息
22--And we have that scheduled for next Tuesday at 10 a.m.我们把那个安排在了下周二早上 10 点
23--That's still good for you, right? 没问题吧
24--Excellent. I'll confirm it.很好 我会确认的
25--Excuse me.抱歉
26--Yes, sir?是 先生
27--Yes, sir.是 先生
28--The president is ready to see you now.总统可以见你了
30--I'm devastated.我伤心欲绝
31--I love this man as if he were my son.我爱他如子
32--Now, he's a fighter, and I'm sure that he'll pull through.他是个斗士 我相信他能挺过来
33--Our prayers are with him.我们都为他祈祷
34--"...said President Underwood during a press conference yesterday."...安德伍德总统昨日在一场新闻
35--The Maryland State Police 马里兰州警方
36--and Federal authorities have yet to locate 和联邦有关部门尚未找到
37--Mr. Stamper's car or name any suspects."斯坦普先生的车或提出任何嫌疑人"
38--You want more of this, brother? 还想听吗 弟弟
39--Or maybe the sports page? 或许听听体育版吧
40--"Game Six of the World Series"世界职业棒球大赛第六场比赛
41--went scoreless for 13 innings 连续 13 局未得分
42--before a rain delay 紧接着又因大雨延迟
43--that turned an already epic evening 使这个已具有史诗性的夜晚
44--into one for the history books."足以载入史册"
45--We need a doctor in room three-one.31 号病房需要医生
46--Douglas? 道格拉斯
47--Can you hear me? 能听到吗
48--I want you to blink if you can hear me.如果能听到眨下眼睛
50--My name is Dr. Lanjwani.我是兰吉维尼医生
51--The president's office asked me to look after you personally.总统办公室要求我亲自看护你
52--You're getting the very b ............

书籍《纸牌屋剧本第三季》 - 插图1
书籍《纸牌屋剧本第三季》 - 插图2


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