新托福考试专项进阶:高级阅读 - (EPUB全文下载)

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作者:蔡青 刘洋
How to Use This Book
PART 1 Basic Comprehension
Unit 1 Vocabulary
Unit 2 Reference
Unit 3 Factual Information
Unit 4 Negative Factual Information
Unit 5 Sentence Simplification
PART 2 Making Inferences
Unit 6 Rhetorical Purpose
Unit 7 Inference
Unit 8 Insert Text
PART 3 Reading to Learn
Unit 9 Prose Summary
Unit 10 Fill in a Table
Vocabulary Wrap-up
Actual Test
Actual Test 01
Actual Test 02
Answer Book
Unit 1 Vocabulary
Unit 2 Reference
Unit 3 Factual Informatoion
Unit 4 Negative Factual Information
Unit 5 Sentence Simplification
Unit 6 Rhetorical Purpose
Unit 7 Inference
Unit 8 Insert Text
Unit 9 Prose Summary
Unit 10 Fill in a Table
Actual Test 01
Actual Test 02
Information on the TOEFL®
1. The Format of the TOEFL®
2. What Is New about the TOEFL®
(1) The TOEFL®
iBT is delivered through the Internet in secure test centers around the world at the same time.
(2) It tests all four language skills and is taken in the order of Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing, with a 10-minute break in the middle.
(3) The test is 4.0~4.5 hours long, and all of the four test sections will be completed in one day.
(4) Note-taking is allowed throughout the entire test, including the Reading section. At the end of the test, all notes are collected and destroyed at the test center.
(5) Compared with the computer-based test (CBT) and paper-based test (PBT), the TOEFL®
iBT has no Structure section. Grammar is tested indirectly on questions and tasks in each section.
(6) In the Listening section, one lecture may be spoken with a British or Australian accent.
(7) There are integrated tasks requiring test takers to combine more than one language skill in the Speaking and Writing sections.
(8) In the Speaking section, test takers wear headphones and speak into a microphone when they respond. The responses are recorded and transmitted to ETS's Online Scoring Network.
(9) In the Writing section, test takers must type their responses. Handwriting is not possible.
(10) Test scores will be reported online. Test takers can see their scores online 15 business days after the test and will also receive a copy of their score report by mail.
Information on the Reading Section
The Reading section of the TOEFL®
iBT measures test takers' ability to understand university-level academic texts. This section has 3~5 passages, and the lengt ............

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书籍《新托福考试专项进阶:高级阅读》 - 插图2


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