强化培训:雅思口语 - (EPUB全文下载)

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ISBN 978-7-80256-242-4
Ⅰ.①雅… Ⅱ.①新… Ⅲ.①IELTS-口语-自学参考资料 Ⅳ.①H319.9
出版人 范芳
责任编辑 钱智超
封面设计 赵文康
版式设计 盛 蓝 兰 玲
出版发行 群言出版杜(Qunyan Press)
地  址 北京东城区东厂胡同北巷1号
邮政编码 100006
网  站 www.qypublish.com
读者信箱 bj62605588@163.com
总编办 010-65265404 65138815
编辑部 010-65276609 65262436
发行部 010-62605588 62605019
经  销 新华书店
读者服务 010-65220236 65265404 65263345
法律顾问 中济律师事务所
印  刷 北京鑫丰华彩印有限公司
版  次 2011年5月第1版 2011年5月第1次印刷
开  本 889mm×1194mm 1/16
印  张 10
字  数 153千
书  号 ISBN 978-7-80256-242-4
定  价 35.00元
[版权所有 侵权必究]

主 任
委 员
王文山 王 强 包凡一 仲晓红 沙云龙
陈向东 邱政政 汪海涛 周成刚 徐小平
谢 琴 窦中川

主 任
 耿 耿
委 员
 陈国辉 郭潇潇 何 钢 娄默默 孙吉芯
孙 钋 孙 涛 杨萃先 张驰新 赵 旭
郑 茵 Dorothy Cleary Madelize Bekker
Sarah Balfour Sheryl Read
Dear Student,
As an advanced speaker who would like to use English fluently and accurately, you have made an excellent choice by deciding to study the Advanced IELTS Speaking Course.
The IELTS Speaking Test can be challenging even for the most advanced speakers because, at higher levels, it requires not only accuracy but also flexibility, appropriacy, subtlety and fluency.
This course provides advanced level students with language and practice activities which will lead to higher band scores in the IELTS Speaking Test. The course also contains tips and advice for engaging in a conversation-style test, where the skills of listening to the question and responding appropriately are very important.
The course includes practice activities for Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the IELTS Speaking Test. However, the main focus will be on Parts 2 and 3. You are advised to use the activities in Part 1 as a speaking warm-up for each lesson. These parts will give you a powerhouse of vocabulary and ideas that you can use to make your own answers for typical IELTS Speaking Test questions.
In each unit, the focus in Part 1
is on:
• breadth of coverage
• natural answers and language
• listening to the question and answering appropriately
• fluency, speed and quick reactions.
The exercises in Part 2
focus on:
• coherence and linking ideas
• giving examples
• personalising your story
• describing your reactions, feelings and emotions
• avoiding hesitation and repetition.
In Part 3
, the focus is on:
• complex language to express sophisticated ideas
• academic vocabulary
• developing ideas
• thinking quickly.
The examiner may ask you to clarify or ............

书籍《强化培训:雅思口语》 - 插图1
书籍《强化培训:雅思口语》 - 插图2


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