人的行为双语版 - (EPUB全文下载)

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Human Action: A Treatise on Economics. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1949.
Fourth edition, copyright 1996 by Bettina B. Greaves (Irvington: Foundation for Economic Education, 1996)
Interactive Index
Contents EN
Contents CN
Foreword to the Chinese edition
Foreword to the 4th edition by Bettina B. Greaves (p. v)
Foreword to the 3rd edition by Ludwig von Mises
Foreword to the 1rd edition by Ludwig von Mises
Economics and Praxeology (p. 1)
The Epistemological Problem of a General Theory of Human Action (p. 4)
Economic Theory and the Practice of Human Action (p. 7)
Resume (p. 10)
Chapter I. Acting Man
Purposeful Action and Animal Reaction (p. 11)
The Prerequisites of Human Action (p. 13)
Human Action as an Ultimate Given (p. 17)
Rationality and Irrationality; Subjectivism and Objectivity of Praxeological Research (p. 19)
Causality as a Requirement of Action (p. 22)
The Alter Ego (p. 23)
Chapter II. The Epistemological Problems of the Sciences of Human Action
Praxeology and History (p. 30)
The Formal and Aprioristic Character of Praxeology (p. 32)
The A Priori and Reality (p. 38)
The Principle of Methodological Individualism (p. 41)
The Principle of Methodological Singularism (p. 44)
The Individual and Changing Features of Human Action (p. 46)
The Scope and the Specific Method of History (p. 47)
Conception and Understanding (p. 51)
On Ideal Types (p. 59)
The Procedure of Economics (p. 64)
The Limitations on Praxeological Concepts (p. 69)
Chapter III. Economics and the Revolt Against Reason
The Revolt Against Reason (p. 72)
The Logical Aspect of Polylogism (p. 75)
The Praxeological Aspect of Polylogism (p. 76)
Racial Polylogism (p. 84)
Polylogism and Understanding (p. 86)
The Case for Reason (p. 89)
Chapter IV. A First Analysis of the Category of Action
Ends and Means (p. 92)
The Scale of Value (p. 94)
The Scale of Needs (p. 96)
Action as an Exchange (p. 97)
Chapter V. Time
Time as a Praxeological Factor (p. 99)
Past, Present, and Future (p. 100)
The Economization of Time (p. 101)
The Temporal Relation Between Actions (p. 102)
Chapter VI. Uncertainty
Uncertainty and Acting (p. 105)
The Meaning of Probability (p. 106)
Class Probability (p. 107)
Case Probability (p. 110)
Numerical Evaluation of Case Probability (p. 113)
Betti ............

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