软件体系结构 - (EPUB全文下载)

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Software Architecture(软件体系结构)
1 Introduction to Software Architecture(1)
1 Introduction to Software Architecture(2)
2 Architectural Styles and Patterns(1)
2 Architectural Styles and Patterns(2)
2 Architectural Styles and Patterns(3)
3 Application and Analysis of Architectural Styles
4 Software Architecture Description(1)
4 Software Architecture Description(2)
4 Software Architecture Description(3)
5 Design Strategies in Architecture Level
6 Software Architecture IDE(1)
6 Software Architecture IDE(2)
7 Evaluating Software Architecture(1)
7 Evaluating Software Architecture(2)
7 Evaluating Software Architecture(3)
8 Flexible Software Architecture(1)
8 Flexible Software Architecture(2)
9 A Vision on Software Architecture(1)
9 A Vision on Software Architecture(2)
Building software nowadays is far more difficult than it can be done several decades ago.At that time,software engineers focused on how to manipulate the computer to work and then solve problems correctly.The organization of data and implementation of algorithm were the crucial process of software designing then.however,more and more tasks in low level,such as memory management and network communication,have been automatized or at least can be reused with little effort and cost.programmers and designers,with the help of high level programming languages and wieldy development tools,can pay more attention to problems,rather than bury themselves into the machine code manuals.however,the side effect of these utilities is that more complicated problems are given according to the requirements from military,enterprise and so on,in which the complexity grows rapidly day by day.We believe that software architecture is a key to deal with it.
Many people become aware of the existence of software architecture just recently.Nevertheless,it in fact has a long history,which may surprise you.Before the invention of C++ or even C,some computer scientists had begun to notice the concept of software structure and its influence to software development.In the 1990s,software architecture started its journey of bloom,when several communities,workshops and conferences were hold with a great amount of published articles,books and tools.Today,software architect,the job of taking software designing,analysis and dealing with different concerns and requirements from different stakeholders,is considered as the center of development team.
But there is an ironical problem that most existing architects in fact do ............

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