Theydoitwithmirrors - (EPUB全文下载)

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CHAPTER 1  Mrs Van Rydock moved a little back from the mirror and sighed.  'Well, that'll have to do,' she murmured. 'Think it's all right, Jane?'  Miss Marple eyed the Lanvanelli creation appraisingly.  'It seems to me a very beautiful gown,' she said.  'The gown's all right,' said Mrs Van Rydock and sighed.  'Take if off, Stephanie,' she said.  The elderly maid with the grey hair and the small pinched mouth eased the gown carefully up over Mrs Van Rydock's upstretched arms.  Mrs Van Rydock stood in front of the glass in her peach satin slip. She was exquisitely corseted. Her still shapely legs were encased in fine nylon stockings. Her face, beneath a layer of cosmetics and constantly toned up by massage, appeared almost girlish at a slight distance.  Her hair was less grey than tending to hydrangea blue and was perfectly set. It was practically impossible when looking at Mrs Van Rydock to imagine what she would be like in a natural state. Everything that money could do had been done for her - reinforced by diet, massage, and constant exercises.  Ruth Van Rydock looked humorously at her friend.  'Do you think most people would guess, Jane, that you and I are practically the same age?' Miss Marple responded loyally.  'Not for a moment, I'm sure,' she said reassuringly.  'I'm afraid, you know, that I look every minute of my age!' Miss Marple was white-haired, with a soft pink and white wrinkled face and innocent china blue eyes. She looked a very sweet old lady. Nobody would have called Mrs Van Rydock a sweet old lady.  'I guess you do, Jane,' said Mrs Van Rydock. She grinned suddenly, 'And so do I. Only not in the same way. "Wonderful how that old hag keeps her figure." That's what they say of me. But they know I'm an old hag all right! And, my God, do I feel like one?  She dropped heavily on to the satin quilted chair.  'That's all right, Stephanie,' she said. 'You can go.' Stephanie gathered up the dress and went out.  'Good old Stephanie,' said Ruth Van Rydock. 'She's been with me for over thirty years now. She's the only woman who knows what I really look like I Jane, I want to talk to you.' Miss Marple leant forward a little. Her face took on a receptive expression. She looked, somehow, an incongruous figure in the ornate bedroom of the expensive hotel suite. She was dressed in rather dowdy black, carried a large shopping bag and looked every inch a lady.  'I'm worried, Jane. About Carrie Louise.' 'Carrie Louise?' Miss Marple repeated the name musingl ............

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