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“After they exploit you, infuriate you, crack you up, and depress you, the characters actually make you miss them when the book ends … Ellis is sympathetic to his ‘lost generation’ the way only Fitzgerald was about his.”
“Bret Easton Ellis … is an extremely traditional and very serious American novelist. He is the model of filial piety, counting among his parents Ernest Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald, Nathanael West, and Joan Didion.”
—Carolyn See, Washington Post
“With a canny journalist’s eye for detail and dialogue, Ellis’s storytelling carries the complete lack of sentiment and empathy of a seasoned comic novelist.”
—Los Angeles Times
“I can’t think of Ellis without recalling Orwell and Jack Kerouac … Ellis’s descriptive powers in defining time and place are precise and horrifying.”
—Seattle Weekly
“Ellis is an extraordinary writer.”
—LA. Weekly
“Ellis has a keen ear for dialogue, a sharp eye for the moral bankruptcy of modern life, and a vivid imagination.”
—San Francisco Chronicle
Bret Easton Ellis is the author of Less Than Zero, The Rules of Attraction, American Psycho, The Informers and Glamorama. He was born in 1964 and raised in Los Angeles. He is a graduate of Bennington College and lives in New York City.
Less Than ZeroThe Rules of AttractionAmerican PsychoThe InformersGlamorama
For Phil Holmes
The facts even when beaded on a chain, still did not have real order. Events did not flow. The facts were separate and haphazard and random even as they happened, episodic, broken, no smooth transitions, no sense of events unfolding from prior events—
Tim O’BrienGoing After Cacciato
FALL 1985
and it’s a story that might bore you but you don’t have to listen, she told me, because she always knew it was going to be like that, and it was, she thinks, her first year, or, actually weekend, really a Friday, in September, at Camden, and this was three or four years ago, and she got so drunk that she ended up in bed, lost her virginity (late, she was eighteen) in Lorna Slavin’s room, because she was a Freshman and had a roommate and Lorna was, she remembers, a Senior or a Junior and usually sometimes at her boyfriend’s place off-campus, to who she thought was a Sophomore Ceramics major but who was actually either some guy from N.Y.U., a film student, and up in New Hampshire just for The Dressed To Get Screwed party, or a townie. She actually had her eye on someo ............

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