TheKubernetesBook_Version2.2-January2018 - (EPUB全文下载)

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The Kubernetes Book
January 2018
Nigel Poulton - @ nigelpoulton
This is version 2.2 of the book, published on the 5th January 2018.
This version fixes a few typos, adds a few clarifications, and adds a couple of
new images. Aside from these changes, it is the same as version 2 published in
October 2017.
© 2018 Nigel Poulton
(All typos are mine. Or is that typo's)

Education is about inspiring and creating opportunities.
I hope this book, and all my Pluralsight video-training courses, inspire you and create new opportunities for you!
Huge thanks to my wife and kids for putting up with a geek in the house who thinks he’s a bunch of software running inside a container on top of midrange biological hardware. It can’t be easy living with me!
Massive thanks to everyone who watches my Pluralsight videos. I love connecting with you and appreciate all the feedback I’ve had over the years. This was a major reason I decided to write this book! I hope it’ll be an amazing tool to help you drive your careers even further forward.
One final word to all you ‘old dogs’ out there… get ready to learn some new tricks!
Table of Contents
0: About the book
What about a paperback edition
Why should I read this book or care about Kubernetes?
Should I buy the book if I’ve already watched your video training courses?
Versions of the book
1: Kubernetes Primer
Kubernetes background
A data center OS
Chapter summary
2: Kubernetes principles of operation
Kubernetes from 40K feet
Masters and nodes
The declarative model and desired state
Pods as the atomic unit
Chapter summary
3: Installing Kubernetes
Play with Kubernetes
Google Container Engine (GKE)
Installing Kubernetes in AWS
Manually installing Kubernetes
Chapter summary
4: Working with Pods
Pod theory
Hands-on with Pods
Chapter Summary
5: ReplicaSets
ReplicaSet theory
Hands-on with ReplicaSets
Chapter summary
6: Kubernetes Services
Setting the scene
Hands-on with Services
Real world example
Chapter Summary
7: Kubernetes Deployments
Deployment theory
How to create a Deployment
How to perform a rolling update
How to perform a rollback
Chapter summary
8: What next
Kubernetes playgrounds
More books
Video training
Events and meetups
Begin Reading
0: About the book
This is an up-to-date
book about Kubernetes. No prior knowledge required!
If you’re interested in Kubernetes, want to know how it works and how to do things properly
, this book is dedicated to you!
What a ............

书籍《TheKubernetesBook_Version2.2-January2018》 - 插图1
书籍《TheKubernetesBook_Version2.2-January2018》 - 插图2


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