TheBurdenofProof - (EPUB全文下载)

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The Burden of Proof
Scott Turow
Also by Scott Turow
For Annette
Copyright 1990 by Scott Turow All rights reserved.
This Warner Books Edition is published by arrangement with Farrar Straus Giroux, 14 Union Square West, New York, N.Y. 10003
Cover design by Tom Tafurl
Warner Books, Inc.
666 Fifth Avenue New York, N.Y. 10103
A Time Warner Company
Printed in the United States of America
First Warner Books Printing: June, 1991
1098765432 1
[Our] decisions have respected the private realm of family life which the state cannot enter.
Prince v. Massachusetts, 321 U.S. 158, 166 (1944), an opinion of the United States Supreme Court
I once undertook to improve the marriage relations of a very intelligent man ... He continually occupied himself with the thought of a separation, which he repeatedly rejected because he dearly loved his two small children ...
One day, the man related to me a slight occurrence which had extremely frightened him. He was sporting with the older child, by far his favorite. He tossed it high in the air and repeated this tossing until finally he thrust it so high that its head almost struck the massive gas chandelier ... [The child] became dizzy with fright ... The particular facility of this careless movement suggested to me to look upon this accident as a symbolic action ...
There was indeed a powerful determinant in a memory from the patient's childhood: it referred to the death of a little brother, which the mother laid to the father's negligence, and which led to serious quarrels with threats of separation between the parents. The continued course of my patient's life, as well as the therapeutic success, confirmed my analysis.
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
Chapter 1
They had been married for thirty-one years, and the following spring, full of resolve and a measure of hope, he would marry again. But that day, on a late afternoon near the end of March, Mr. Alejandro Stern had returned home and, with his attache case and garment bag still in hand, called out somewhat absently from the front entry for Clara, his wife. He was fifty-six years old, stout and bald, and never particularly good-looking, and he found himself in a mood of intense preoccupation.
For two days he had been in Chicago--that city of rough souls--on behalf of his most difficult client. Dixon Hartnell was callous, self-centered, and generally full of his lawyers' advice; worst of all, representing him wa ............

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