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For Holly
chapter 1
~ Grace ~
You have to come with us,” Cara Donovan exclaims over her third glass of Moscato. “Seriously, Gracie, it’s going to be so fun.”
“I’m not a skier,” I remind her dryly.
“There will be a lodge and hot ski instructors and a spa,” Jill Sullivan reminds me.
“I plan to take advantage of that spa,” Lauren Cunningham agrees.
“To spas and hot ski instructors!” Jenna Hull raises her wineglass in a toast.
I sit back in my seat and stare at my four friends assembled in Jill’s living room. They’re all beautiful, fun, wonderful women.
“Seriously, a bachelorette weekend in Aspen?” I ask with a frown. “Couldn’t you choose somewhere tropical? I probably won’t drown from a chaise longue by the pool.”
Jill tips her head back, her dark hair falling down her back in waves. “Cara likes the snow.”
“This is Montana. We live in the snow,” I reply stubbornly. “Didn’t you have a say?” I ask Lauren.
Both Cara and Lauren were recently engaged, and to celebrate, the five of us are going to take a weekend trip away. I was all in when I had visions of palm trees and cabana boys, but now . . .
“I think it sounds fun,” Lauren replies with a grin. “We chartered a plane and everything.”
My jaw drops and my gaze travels from Lo to Cara in disbelief.
“You chartered a freaking plane?” Jenna replies with a squeak. Jenna is stunning. Classically beautiful, reminding me of Grace Kelly with her perfectly coifed blond hair and startling blue eyes. Not to mention her perfect figure.
If she wasn’t so incredibly sweet, we might all hate her.
“Hey, this is a celebration,” Lo reminds us and sips her wine, tucking a strand of her auburn hair behind her ear. The ring on her finger winks in the candlelight.
“Guys, you know I’m totally on board for celebrating your engagements. I couldn’t be happier for you.” I swallow the last sip of wine in my glass and bite my lip. “But we all know what a colossal klutz I am. I won’t survive the trip.”
Jill refills my glass as Cara shakes her head.
“We have a surprise for you,” she says.
“A sumo wrestler suit I can wear while skiing so I don’t break every bone in my body?”
“No,” Lo replies with a laugh. “A night on Whitetail Mountain.”
I frown, not understanding. “The ............

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