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Out of Control
The New Biology of Machines, Social
Systems, and the Economic World
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● Reviews
● Selected Maxims
● Translations
Out of Control is a summary of what we know about self-
sustaining systems, both living ones such as a tropical
wetland, or an artificial one, such as a computer simulation of our planet. The last chapter of the book, "The Nine Laws of God," is a distillation of the nine common principles that all life-like systems share. The major themes of the book are:
● As we make our machines and institutions more
complex, we have to make them more biological in
order to manage them.
● The most potent force in technology will be artificial
evolution. We are already evolving software and drugs
instead of engineering them.
● Organic life is the ultimate technology, and all
technology will improve towards biology.
● The main thing computers are good for is creating little
worlds so that we can try out the Great Questions.
Online communities let us ask the question "what is a
democracy; what do you need for it?" by trying to wire
a democracy up, and re-wire it if it doesn't work.
Virtual reality lets us ask "what is reality?" by trying to synthesize it. And computers give us room to ask
"what is life?" by providing a universe in which to
create computer viruses and artificial creatures of
increasing complexity. Philosophers sitting in
academies used to ask the Great Questions; now they
are asked by experimentalists creating worlds.
● As we shape technology, it shapes us. We are
connecting everything to everything, and so our entire
culture is migrating to a "network culture" and a new network economics.
● In order to harvest the power of organic machines, we
have to instill in them guidelines and self-governance,
and relinquish some of our total control.
This page was last modified on Friday, March 11, 2003
Out of Control
"Kevin Kelly's wonderfully perceptive new
book shatters more paradigms per page than
any other text in this decade. Out Of Control
makes me feel good to be alive."
-- Bruce Sterling
" Out Of Control
is the breakthrough concept
of contemporary science and technology. It
links the best of cutting-edge biology,
computer science, economics, organizational
theory, art, and much more. No longer just
the best journalist on the subject, Kevin
Kelly with this book is actively shaping the
intellectual implosion."
-- Stewart Brand
" Out Of Control
is in! Extremely cool
McNuggets o ............
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