Outsiders - (EPUB全文下载)

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The Collection
Lynn Ames, Georgia Beers,
JD Glass, Susan X Meagher and
Susan Smith
 Books By These Authors Lynn Ames Heartsong
The Flip Side of Desire
The Value of Valor
The Cost of Commitment
The Price of Fame  Georgia Beers Finding Home
Fresh Tracks
Too Close to Touch
Thy Neighbor’s Wife
Turning the Page  JD Glass Punk Like Me
Punk and Zen
Red Light
American Goth
Yuri Monogatari 6 (Sakura Gun [London])
 Chapter Five
Renée pulled the rented Jeep to the side of the road and snatched her camera off the passenger seat. The sun was minutes away from disappearing below the horizon, and the scene to her right was backlit so that the rocks virtually glowed. Overhead, a ripe full moon hung in the indigo sky, watching over the tableau.
“Amazing.” Renée jumped out of the car and began shooting. She concentrated first on the larger landscape, then changed lenses, got down on her belly, and composed the close-up texture shots she preferred. The ripples in the red-hued sand loomed large in her viewfinder, and she snapped off a series of shots from a variety of angles.
When she was done, Renée rolled over onto her back and stared up at the darkening sky, marveling at the raw beauty of the colors, the crispness of the late-fall air, and the purity of the moment. This was what she loved, what she lived for. Out here, there were no crumpled bodies in alleys, no women cowering behind garbage cans, their clothes torn and their bodies violated. Out here, she felt calm and at peace.
A chill breeze jolted Renée back into the moment. She shivered and scrambled up from the ground. It would be full dark before long, and she wanted to reach her destination while she still could see where she was going.
She checked the car’s navigation system one more time as she pulled back onto the road. If the GPS was correct, she should arrive at the address Yazhi had given her within ten minutes.
“Then what, genius?” Not for the first time, Renée’s stomach clenched. She imagined what she would say to Yazhi. “Hi. I was just in the neighborhood…”
Yeah, right.“Hi. I don’t know if you remember me, but you said I should stop by if I wanted to know what the hell happened to me in that canyon more than a year ago.”
Brilliant.“Hi. I haven’t been able to sleep since you left New York. Truthfully, nothing has been the same since I met you. I’m having nightly visions, I know when someone thinks about me, and I see dead people. If that isn’t enough, I can’t get you out of my head. So I ca ............

书籍《Outsiders》 - 插图1


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