MrsDalloway - (EPUB全文下载)

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Mrs. Dalloway
A V. Woolf
(Granada 1976)
Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself ..
For Lucy had her work cut out for her .  The doors would be taken off their hinges ;  Rumpelmayer’s men were coming .  And then , thought Clarissa Dalloway , what a morning—fresh as if issued to children on a beach ..
What a lark !  What a plunge !  For so it had always seemed to her , when , with a little squeak of the hinges , which she could hear now , she had burst open the French windows and plunged at Bourton into the open air .  How fresh , how calm , stiller than this of course , the air was in the early morning ; like the flap of a wave ; the kiss of a wave ; chill and sharp and yet ( for a girl of eighteen as she then was ) solemn , feeling as she did , standing there at the open window , that something awful was about to happen ; looking at the flowers , at the trees with the smoke winding off them and the rooks rising , falling ; standing and looking until Peter Walsh said , “ Musing among the vegetables ? “—was that it ? -- “ I prefer men to cauliflowers “—was that it ?  He must have said it at breakfast one morning when she had gone out on to the terrace—Peter Walsh .  He would be back from India one of these days , June or July , she forgot which , for his letters were awfully dull ; it was his sayings one remembered ; his eyes , his pocket-knife , his smile , his grumpiness and , when millions of things had utterly vanished—how strange it was ! -- a few sayings like this about cabbages ..
She stiffened a little on the kerb , waiting for Durtnall’s van to pass .  A charming woman , Scrope Purvis thought her ( knowing her as one does know people who live next door to one in Westminster ) ; a touch of the bird about her , of the jay , blue-green , light , vivacious , though she was over fifty , and grown very white since her illness .  There she perched , never seeing him , waiting to cross , very upright ..
For having lived in Westminster—how many years now ?  over twenty , -- one feels even in the midst of the traffic , or waking at night , Clarissa was positive , a particular hush , or solemnity ; an indescribable pause ; a suspense ( but that might be her heart , affected , they said , by influenza ) before Big Ben strikes .  There !  Out it boomed .
First a warning , musical ; then the hour , irrevocable .  The leaden circles dissolved in the air .  Such fools we are , she thought , crossing Victoria Street .  For Heaven only knows ............

书籍《MrsDalloway》 - 插图1


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