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First, I must thank my parents for helping me find my own values and for assisting my education.
This book could not have happened without believers in the publishing industry. John Brockman did a splendid job in finding our publisher, W. W. Norton. We lucked out to get the legendary nonfiction editor Angela von der Lippe on this book. Her true interest was part of what I needed to get this project done. Countless others had important roles as well.
More thanks than I can ever give should go to Gina Smith, who had the drive to create this book and who met with me on countless occasions to put it all together. Just having a schedule and a purpose and prodding made all the difference. We would get together and speak stories into recorders, and go over and over the paragraphs to get the right sound. Thanks also to Michele Earl for a lucky and unusual encounter that led to my meeting Gina.
I have to thank those responsible for my successes in life. To Miss Skrak for seeing so much in me. To Mr. McCollum for finding so much valuable education beyond the school he worked for. To Steve Jobs for wanting to do Great and Big things. To Randy Wig- gington, Chris Espinoza, Dan Sokol, Bill Fernandez, and the Homebrew Computer Club members for the whole appreciation of a
computer for people. To all my HP friends, including Stan Mintz and Peter Dickinson, for a great environment in which an engineer could develop. Most of all, thanks to Allen Baum, who was involved in some way in so many of the big steps in my computer life. And for his parents who appreciated jokes and humor and had such good values in life. My memory of them still brings tears.
I must thank my first wife, Alice, without whom Apple would never have happened for me; Candi, my second wife, for the most wonderful creations of Jesse, Sara, and Gary; and my third wife, Suzanne, for Hard Rock Cafes and bungee jumping and for being so wonderful and decent.
Friends who made this possible for me, digging up needed photos and reminding me of stories, included Laura and Dan and Alex. Sharon was the most loyal in all cases, always looking out for me and making sure needed things got done.
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Gina thanks her friend Michele Earl for introducing her to Steve at a rock concert. Within a week of our meeting, the iWoz book proposal was in to our phenomenal agent, John Brockman.
Gina thanks the exceptional team at Norton, including editor Angela von der Lippe, her assistant, Lydia Fitzpatrick, and all t ............

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