FiveChildrenandIt - (EPUB全文下载)
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Introduction by Quentin Blake
1 Beautiful as the Day
2 Golden Guineas
3 Being Wanted
4 Wings
5 No Wings
6 A Castle and no Dinner
7 A Siege and Bed
8 Bigger Than the Baker’s Boy
9 Grown Up
10 Scalps
11 The Last Wish
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To John Bland
My Lamb, you are so very small,
You have not learned to read at all.
Yet never a printed book withstands
The urgence of your dimpled hands.
So, though this book is for yourself,
Let mother keep it on the shelf
Till you can read. O days that pass,
That day will come too soon, alas!
Introduction by Quentin Blake
E. Nesbit was a woman: Edith Nesbit, or Mrs Hubert Bland. A hundred years or so ago, when she was writing (books for adults as well as children), she may have felt it was an advantage to use a name that made it sound as though you were a man. After all, it was a world largely run by men. She might also have thought that someone just called E. Nesbit might not expect you to be as extremely well-behaved as someone called Mrs Hubert Bland.
This is important because E. Nesbit belongs with those writers of children’s books (you will easily think of others) who are successful because of their skills as storytellers. Indeed, she was one of the first. She speaks to the reader, and it’s almost as though you can hear her voice. She doesn’t mind making observations that could only come from an adult, but she respects her readers, and she is not bossy (even if she may have been sometimes in life). I suspect that the main purpose of many books written in the nineteenth century was to improve their young readers; with E. Nesbit, by contrast, you feel that she was eager to tell you something interesting and entertaining.
Five Children and It was first published in 1902, so that what children wore then, and the way they spoke, and what was expected of them, all that was rather different from life today. But because E. Nesbit is very good at describing the five children and we feel that we know them, it’s no surprise to discover that they are largely based on her own family.
Some of E. Nesbit’s books – such as The Railway Children – depend on her ability to remember what it is like being a child and to give a convincing account of a family of children in difficult circumstances. Five Children and It goes further by introducing the possibilities of fantasy. The idea of people making wishes, and how they may go wrong or turn out not to be what was expected, isn’t a new one – it ............
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