ElephantsCanRemember - (EPUB全文下载)

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Elephants Can
A Hercule Poirot Mystery
To Molly Myers in return for many kindnesses
       Title Page
  1   A Literary Luncheon
  2   First Mention of Elephants
Book 1
  3   Great Aunt Alice’s Guide to Knowledge
  4   Celia
  5   Old Sins Have Long Shadows
  6   An Old Friend Remembers
  7   Back to the Nursery
  8   Mrs. Oliver at Work
  9   Results of Elephantine Research
10   Desmond
Book 2
Long Shadows
11   Superintendent Garroway and Poirot Compare Notes
12   Celia Meets Hercule Poirot
13   Mrs. Burton-Cox
14   Dr. Willoughby
15   Eugene and Rosentelle, Hair Stylists and Beauticians
16   Mr. Goby Reports
17   Poirot Announces Departure
18   Interlude
19   Maddy and Zélie
20   Court of Enquiry
       About the Author
       The Agatha Christie Collection
       Related Products
       About the Publisher
Mrs. Oliver looked at herself in the glass. She gave a brief, sideways look towards the clock on the mantelpiece, which she had some idea was twenty minutes slow. Then she resumed her study of her coiffure. The trouble with Mrs. Oliver was—and she admitted it freely—that her styles of hairdressing were always being changed. She had tried almost everything in turn. A severe pompadour at one time, then a windswept style where you brushed back your locks to display an intellectual brow, at least she hoped the brow was intellectual. She had tried tightly arranged curls, she had tried a kind of artistic disarray. She had to admit that it did not matter very much today what her type of hairdressing was, because today she was going to do what she very seldom did, wear a hat.
On the top shelf of Mrs. Oliver’s wardrobe there reposed four hats. One was definitely allotted to weddings. When you went to a wedding, a hat was a “must.” But even then Mrs. Oliver kept two. One, in a round bandbox, was of feathers. It fitted closely to the head and stood up very well to sudden squalls of rain if they should overtake one unexpectedly as one passed from a car to the interior of the sacred edifice, or as so often nowadays, a registrar’s office.
The other, and more elaborate, hat was definitely for attending a wedding held on a Saturday afternoon in summer. It had flowers and chiffon and a covering of yellow net attached with mimosa.
The other two hats on the shelf were of a more all-purpose character. One was what Mrs. Oliver called her “country house hat,” made of tan felt ............

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