TheCollectedStoriesofPhilipK.DickVol.2 - (EPUB全文下载)

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The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Vol. 2
by Philip K. Dick
By Norman Spinrad
Philip K. Dick's debut
story, Beyond Lies the Wub, was first published in 1952. This
volume, SECOND VARIETY, contains 27 short stories published
between 1952 and 1955, when his first novel, SOLAR LOTTERY,
appeared. What is more, it does not include every story he
published during the first four years of his career either.
That in itself is quite
remarkable. Few writers could boast such prodigious publication in
the first four years of their careers, even in this period, when
markets for short sf were relatively abundant and editors had many
slots to fill. And while it must be admitted that there are a certain
number of fairly trivial gimmick stories in this book, the majority
of them already show many of the unique virtues of Dick's more mature
work, and even the least of them are written in his unmistakable
Considering that they
were written in such a brief period by a new writer in the first
flush of his career, that Dick must have been churning them out
rapidly to make money and a name, these 27 stories are also quite
remarkable for what they are not.
There is not really an
action-adventure formula story in here. No space opera. No nuts and
bolts. No fully-developed alien civilizations. No intrepid stock
heroes, villains, mad scientists, no real good guys versus bad guys
at all. From the very outset, Dick wrote as if the commercial
conventions of the sf genre did not exist. Even the one-punch gimmick
stories are Dickian gimmicks. From the beginning, Dick was
reinventing science fiction, turning it into a literary instrument
for his own concerns, and yes, obsessions.
What we have here is a
kind of fascinating time capsule, 27 stories published before Philip
K. Dick's first novel, the compressed short fiction apprenticeship of
a writer who was to go on to become one of the great novelists of the
twentieth century and arguably the greatest metaphysical novelist of
all time.
Dick began writing
during what at least in a publishing sense was the greatest
transformation that science fiction has ever seen. In the early
1950s, the magazines were still the dominant mode of sf publication,
meaning that short fiction was still the dominant form. By the time
he published SOLAR LOTTERY in 1955, the paperback book was on
its way to becoming the dominant publishing mode, and the novel
therefore the dominant form.
In the 1950s, with the
standard advance for an sf novel ............

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