美国学生世界历史_西方家庭学校经典教材与经典读物(上下册) - (EPUB全文下载)
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图书在版编目(CIP)数据美国学生世界历史 / (美)希利尔著;金玉,李洁译.—天津:天津人民出版社,2012.12ISBN 978-7-201-07779-6I.①美… II.①希… ②金… ③李… III.①世界史—青年读物 ②世界史—少年读物 IV.①K109中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2012)第264596号天津出版传媒集团天津人民出版社出版、发行出版人:刘晓津(天津市西康路35号 邮政编码:300051)网址:http://www.tjrmcbs.com.cn电子信箱:tjrmcbs@126.com北京金秋豪印刷有限公司2012年12月第1版 2012年12月第1次印刷710×1000毫米 16开本 30.5印张 字数:600千字 插图:133幅定价:59.80元(上下册)
This page is not for you, boys and girls. It is for that old man or woman — twenty, thirty, or forty years old, who may peek into this book; and is what they would call the这一页不是给你们孩子们看的,而是给那个年龄在20岁、30岁或40岁的成年人看的,他们可能会偶尔翻一翻这本书,这一页就是他们所说的——
Preface序言To give the child some idea of what has gone on in the world before he arrived;To take him out of his little self-centered, shut-in life, which looms so large because it is so close to his eyes;To extend his horizon, broaden his view, and open up the vists down the ages past;To acquaint him with some of the big events and great names and fix these in time and space as a basis for detailed study in the future;To give him a chronological file with main guides, into which he can fit in its proper place all his further historical study—Is the purpose of this first SURVEY OF THE WORLD'S HISTORY.让孩子知道一些他们来到这世界之前就已经发生的事情;带孩子走出以自我为中心、封闭在家的生活,这种生活显得过于重要,就是因为太贴近,使他们看不到外面的世界,就成为孩子们眼中的一切;开阔孩子的眼界,拓展他们的视野,将过去时代的历史画面展现在他们面前;让他们熟悉历史上一些重大事件和伟人的名字,并把这些事和人在时间和空间上确定下来,作为将来系统学习的基础;向孩子提供一份历史编年档案,并附有要览,这样他们今后学习历史就可以参照这份档案。以上所述就是写这第一本“世界历史概述”的宗旨。维吉尔•M•希利尔
This part is not for you, either. It is for your father, mother, or teacher, and is what they would call the——这一章节也不是给你们孩子们看的,是给你们的爸爸、妈妈或老师看的,这一章节就是他们所说的——
Introduction前言IN common with all children of my age, I was brought up on American History and given no other history but American, year in and year out, year after year for eight or more years.So far as I knew 1492 was the beginning of the world. Any events or characters before that time, reference to which I encountered by any chance, were put down in my mind in the same category with fairy-tales. Christ and His times, of which I heard only in Sunday-school, were to me mere fiction without reality. They were not mentioned in any history that I knew and therefore, so I thought, must belong not to a realm in time and space, but to a spiritual realm.To give an American child only American History is as provincial as to teach a Texas child only Texas History. Patriotism is usually given as the reason for such history teaching. It only promotes a narrow-mindedness and an absurd conceit, based o ............
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