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Agatha Christie
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
A Hercule Poirot Mystery
To Dorothy North who likes detective stories and cream, in the hope it may make up to her for the absence of the latter!
One, two, buckle my shoe,
Three, four, shut the door,
Five, six, picking up sticks,
Seven, eight, lay them straight,
Nine, ten, a good fat hen,
Eleven, twelve, men must delve,
Thirteen, fourteen, maids are courting,
Fifteen, sixteen, maids in the kitchen,
Seventeen, eighteen, maids in waiting,
Nineteen, Twenty, My Plate’s Empty,
About the Author
Other Books by Agatha Christie
About the Publisher
Mr. Morley was not in the best of tempers at breakfast. He complained of the bacon, wondered why the coffee had to have the appearance of liquid mud, and remarked that breakfast cereals were each one worse than the last.
Mr. Morley was a small man with a decided jaw and a pugnacious chin. His sister, who kept house for him, was a large woman rather like a female grenadier. She eyed her brother thoughtfully and asked whether the bath water had been cold again.
Rather grudgingly, Mr. Morley said it had not.
He glanced at the paper and remarked that the Government seemed to be passing from a state of incompetence to one of positive imbecility!
Miss Morley said in a deep bass voice that it was Disgraceful!
As a mere woman she had always found whatever Government happened to be in power distinctly useful. She urged her brother on to explain why the Government’s present policy was inconclusive, idiotic, imbecile and frankly suicidal!
When Mr. Morley had expressed himself fully on these points, he had a second cup of the despised coffee and unburdened himself of his true grievance.
“These girls,” he said, “are all the same! Unreliable, self-centred—not to be depended on in any way.”
Miss Morley said interrogatively:
“I’ve just had the message. Her aunt’s had a stroke and she’s had to go down to Somerset.”
Miss Morley said:
“Very trying, dear, but after all hardly the girl’s fault.”
Mr. Morley shook his head gloomily.
“How do I know the aunt has had a stroke? How do I know the whole thing hasn’t been arranged between the girl and that very unsuitable young fellow she goes about with? That young man is a wrong ’un if I ever saw one! They’ve probably planned some outing together for today.”
“Oh, no, dear, I don’t think Gladys would do a thing like that. You know, you’ve always found her very conscientious.”
“Yes, yes. ............

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