NLPCOACHING_HowtouseNeuro-Linguisticprog.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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How to use Neuro-Linguistic programming methods to improve your personal and professional life
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Are You Capable of Change?
Chapter 2 NLP 101
Chapter 3 NLP and YOU
Chapter 4 NLP In Action
Chapter 5 NLP Myth busters
Chapter 6 Sustaining NLP In Your Daily Life
Bonus Book Pregnancy
Bonus Book Education
Bonus Book Memory Improvement
Bonus Book How to Break 80
Bonus Book Emotional Intelligence
Bonus Book Anxiety
Bonus Book Auto Insurance
Bonus Book Headaches
Bonus Book How to budget
Bonus Book How to play piano
Bonus Book Interior design business
Bonus Book Investing for beginners
Bonus Book Learn Python
Bonus Book Magic Tricks
Bonus Book Model Trains
Bonus Book Organic Cookbook
Bonus Book Pet problems
Bonus Book Scrum Guide
Bonus Book Single parenting
Bonus Book Snowboarding
Bonus Book Weight and strength training
Bonus Book Weight training
Bonus Book Wheat belly
I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book,
“NLP coaching: How to use Neuro-Linguistic programming methods to improve your personal and professional life”
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to improve your performance by using NLP methods.
I wrote this book to share to you the wonders that NLP can bring to your personal and professional life.  This book will help you understand what NLP really is. This book will present NLP to you in a whole new light. I wrote this to show you that the practice of NLP is NOT at all intimidating, overwhelming and complicated! This book will ease you into the methodology and will guide you through it, until the end.
Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 1 Are You Capable of Change?
Have you ever wondered why you do the things you do? How many times did you wish for things to be different in your life? How many times have you wished for you to be someone different?
Going through life feeling lost, defeated and unwanted is a burden that many of us carry around. It is a load that often weighs us down. Most of the time, the burden is an amalgamation of past experiences that molded the way we look at the world, the people around us and most importantly, ourselves. These experiences from the past shaped how we think, how we speak, as well as our actions and behaviors. They became the foundati ............

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