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except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Other Books in the
History Series
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Part I: The Early Years
1) 102/100 BCE - Birth of Gaius Julius Caesar
2) 85 BCE - Caesar’s First Marriage and Sulla’s Dictatorship
3) c. 79 BCE - The Corona Civica and King Nicomedes
4) 75 BCE - Captured By Pirates!
5) 72 BCE - Caesar As Military Tribune
6) 69 BCE - Caesar’s Oration At the Funerals of His Aunt
7) 68/67 BCE - Caesar as Quaestor and the Extraordinary Generalship of GnaeusPompeius Magnus
8) 65 BCE - Caesar As CuruleAedile
9) 63 BCE - The Catiline Conspiracy
10) 63 BCE - Election to Pontifex Maximus
Part II: Caesar’s Political Career
11) 60 BCE - The First Triumvirate
12) 59 BCE - Caesar’s First Consulship
13) 58 BCE - Proconsul of Gaul
14) 56 BCE - Lucca Conference
15) 54 BCE - The British Invasion
16) 52 BCE - Pompey’s Year As the ‘Consul Without A Colleague’
17) 51 BCE - Caesar Attempts to Run For Consul
18) 49 BCE - Caesar Crosses the Rubicon
19) 48 BCE - The Grecian Campaign
20) October 2, 48 BCE - The Alexandrian War
Part III: Life As A Roman Emperor
21) February, 47 BCE - The Island of Pharos
22) March, 47 BCE - The Battle of the Nile
23) June 23, 47 BCE - The Birth of Caesarion
24) August, 47 BCE - Veni, Vidi, Vici
25) October, 47 BCE - The African Campaign
26) July 25, 46 BCE - Caesar, the Dictator
27) April, 45 BCE - The Spanish Campaign
28) October 45 BCE - Caesar the Autocrat
29) February, 44 BCE - Dictator Perpetuus and the Festival of the Lupercalia
30) March 15, 44 BCE - Beware the Ides of March
Caesar’s influence on ancient history cannot be understated. Borninto a wealthy patrician family one hundred years before our common era, Gaius Julius Caesar would go on to become the most famous military general and statesman in Roman history. His campaigns played a critical role in the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Under his military leadership the Roman territory stretched as far as the English Channel in the west, the Rhine in the north and Africa in the south.
When the Roman senate ordered him to step down from his military command, his refusal resulted in a civil war, which would put him in an unrivaled position of power and infl ............

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