迪士尼英文原版.加勒比海盗3:世界的尽头PiratesoftheCaribbea.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
著  者 /
策划编辑 /
戎 炜
制作发行 /
书  号 /
ISBN 978-7-5628-4952-0
联系我们 /
电子邮箱   zongbianban@ecustpress.cn
     官方微博   e.weibo.com/ecustpress
     天猫旗舰店  http://hdlgdxcbs.tmall.com

版权所有 侵权必究
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

“There be something on the seas that even the most staunch and bloodthirsty pirates have come to fear. ...”
From his spot high in the crow’s nest, a pirate trained his spyglass on the horizon.
Nothing. No sign of any ship besides his own and the two they traveled with. The Caribbean Sea was calm, the bright sun sparkling off the ocean waves. Everything was peaceful.
So why did he have such a strong sense of foreboding?
He lifted his spyglass again. This time he could see a smudge on the horizon. It might be a ship sailing toward them. Worse, it might be an East India Trading Company ship.
The pirate knew what would happen if they were taken by Company agents. He’d heard stories of the recent executions ... pirates hanged by the dozen, the thunk
of the gallows’ trapdoor the last sound they ever heard. And in the last few months, the executions were becoming more and more frequent. The East India Trading Company was intent on wiping out the Pirates of the Caribbean — and beyond.
The pirate leaned over to call down to the captain. If it was an East India Trading Company ship, they would have to make a run for it. But, as he looked down, he saw a shape in the water beside them. A dark shape, rising up — and rising fast.
“CAPTAIN!” he shouted.
It was too late.
With an explosion of ocean spray, the shape burst through the surface of the water. First, pale masts rose into the air. Then came the rails and wooden hull, crusted with coral and shells. A carved skeletal, winged female rode on the bow.
It was something out of the darkest of nightmares. It was something pirates spoke of in hushed and frightened tones.
It was the Flying Dutchman
The ship opened her cannon ports as she surfaced. With a loud explosion, cannonballs blazed into the side of the pirate ship. The pirates on all three ships ran to their stations, trying to load and return fire, but the Flying Dutchman
was too fast, too close, too powerful.
The attack was over in minutes.
Smoke curled over the burning ............

书籍《迪士尼英文原版.加勒比海盗3:世界的尽头PiratesoftheCaribbea.epub》 - 插图1
书籍《迪士尼英文原版.加勒比海盗3:世界的尽头PiratesoftheCaribbea.epub》 - 插图2


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