成长的烦恼 - (EPUB全文下载)

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Growing Pains 101 Pilot
第一集 出师受挫
Jason: Alright lady drop that spatula . or you're scrambled
Maggie: Go ahead, make my day. Well, I guess I showed you.
Jason: Show me more
Maggie: Oh Jason, the kids.
Jason: I can kiss the kids later. You know I read an article that said that two career couples should really make a special effort to always remain...frisky .
Maggie: At breakfast?
Jason: At all meals.
Mike: What's the matter? You guys aren't gettin' enough?
Jason: Michael, a lot of kids would get smacked for a remark like that.
Mike: Come on dad, you can't hit me you're a liberal humanist .
Jason: Could be an accident.
Carol: Could be a dream come true.
Mike: Mom, can't we sell Carol and get a tape deck for the Volvo?
Carol: Mike, you give new meaning to the word vacuous.
Mike: Oh yeah? What was the old meaning?
Carol: I rest my case .
Jason: Ben! Ben! What's so funny Ben?
Ben: That Phyllis George, she's screwed up again.
Maggie: Hey, what's that you're reading about?
Carol: Well it says here that as the universe expands, all matter is degenerating into a state of total disorganization .
Maggie: Thank god I thought it was just me.
Mike: So what are you guys doing tonight? "The House of Sweat", yeah great! Hey look can I talk to you guys later, yeah, bye.
Maggie: Mike, what is "The House of Sweat"?
Carol: It's that new under twenty dance club on Geravo Turnpike.
Mike: Yeah, and it sounds like a great idea mom. It's a safe, wholesome place for teens to congregate .
Maggie: And the larger the group, the smaller their brains get.
Jason: Oh come on Maggie!
Mike: Yeah, come on Maggie! Yes well time to go wait for that school bus; you know if I hurry I can still get a seat in the non-smoking section.
Maggie: Good day! Bye sweetheart. Bye Ben, love you!
Jason: Catch you later Ben! I still have some paper work to do before my nine o' clock gets here, and if you start feeling frisky and you have eight of ten seconds before work, you know where to find me.
Maggie: Ben, what are you doing here you'll miss the bus. What's the matter honey?
Ben: Dad didn't know how to do my elbow .
Maggie: Oh? Let me see. Oh dad did a great job on these cuts...Superman Band-Aids - the works. Oh I get it, he didn't kiss it better...and say I love you little pumpkin head .
Ben: It was all so clinical. Mom, how come you had to go back to work?
Maggie: I didn't have to Ben, I wanted to. Come here. Ben, imagine you had to spend fifteen years in this house, without ever going out to pl ............

书籍《成长的烦恼》 - 插图1
书籍《成长的烦恼》 - 插图2


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