英语经典笑话101篇(英汉对照)-陈教平 - (EPUB全文下载)

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目 录
Naive Children 童言稚语
1. The new baby 新生儿
2. A baby on the way 妈妈肚子里的小宝宝
3. The rain 下雨
4. A gentleman 绅士
5. I'm glad 我很高兴
6. How can I get into heaven? 我怎样才能去天堂
7. Jack and his grandma 杰克和奶奶
8. It's his fault 都是他的错
School Jokes 校园趣事
1. Who killed Abraham Lincoln? 谁杀了林肯
2. Napoleon was ill 拿破仑病了
3. I, you and she 我,你,她
4. Keys or kiss 钥匙还是亲吻
5. A talking clock 会说话的钟
6. Father's belt 父亲的皮带
7. The only one who could answer 只有他能答得出
8. Greek 希腊语
9. Student recruitment 招生
10. Failing the math test 数学考试不及格
Family and Love 家庭婚恋
1. What I want in a man (I) 我理想中的男人(一)
2. What I want in a man (II) 我理想中的男人(二)
3. What I want in a man (Ⅲ) 我理想中的男人(三)
4. A bride's vision 新娘的憧憬
5. Mysterious letters 神秘的信
6. A horrible e-mail 恐怖的电邮
7. Be careful of what you wish for 小心你所许的愿
8. 7-UP worker's worry 七喜员工的担心
9. Men dominated their women 男人主宰他们的女人
10. Refusal 拒绝
11. Helen's eyesight 海伦的视力
12. Man's dictionary 男人词典
Food and Drinks 饮食男女
1. Me too 我也吐了
2. Scene of the accident 车祸现场
3. Peanuts 花生仁
4. Before the trouble starts 趁麻烦出现之前
5. Baked beans 烘焙豆
6. Photo 老婆的照片
7. A useful lesson 有益的经验
8. West Hill Farm 西山农场
Occupations and Business 职场商务
1. Bribery 贿赂
2. An explanation of tardiness 迟到的原因
3. The crowded store 拥挤的商店
4. Ads 分类广告
5. Midway tactics 中间战术
6. The new salesman 新来的售货员
7. I am the son of the wounded 伤者的儿子
8. You vs your boss 你和你的上司
Army and Police 军警生活
1. An ashamed soldier 羞愧的士兵
2. I didn't know that I was so far back already! 没想到我已经往回跑了这么远
3. West Point 西点军校
4. A policeman and a thief 警察和小偷
5. A very polite policeman 谦恭有礼的警察
6. A pin puller 提环
7. Police and "writer" 警察和“作家”
Entertainment and Sports 文体看台
1. Music 音乐
2. Revenge 报仇
3. Football field or graveyard 橄榄球场还是坟地
4. To count 8 每次数到“8”
5. Bad acting has its benefits 演技三流有好处
6. Clarinet 单簧管
7. Violin lessons 小提琴课
Hospitals and Health 医疗卫生
1. Who is nuts? 谁疯了
2. I hung him up to dry 我把他吊起来让他晾干
3. Somebody under the bed 床底下有人
4. Whose heart is better? 谁的心更好
5. A cure for a headache 治疗头痛
6. Did you say treatment, or cure? 只问方法,不问结果
7. I'm that man's tailor 我就是那个裁缝
8. Mr. Quack 庸医
Celebrity Jokes 名人幽默
1. Who was the first man? 谁是第一男人
2. Dr. Swift 斯威夫特博士
3. Who's on vacation? 是谁度假
4. Sherlock Holmes and Watson 夏洛克·福尔摩斯和华生
5. I'm going to let my Chauffeur answer it 让我的司机来回答这个问题
6. Churchill and Bernard Shaw 丘吉尔和萧伯纳
7. A life for a life 以“命”抵命
Stupid Speech 愚人疯话
1. Going to the sun during the night 夜间到太阳上去
2. Why do you never phone me? 怎么从不给我打电话
3. The front half 头等舱
4. Microwave 微波炉
5. Not Stupid 我们又不是傻瓜
6. An alarm ............

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书籍《英语经典笑话101篇(英汉对照)-陈教平》 - 插图2


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