英语词汇的奥秘放口袋 - (EPUB全文下载)

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Table of Contents
Part 1
字母 A 开头的重要词根
1.act = to do/to act/to drive 做/行动
2. ag = do/act 做/行动
3.ac/acr/acu = acid/sharp 尖/酸/锐利
4.agri/agro/agr = field 田地/农田
5.al/ol/ul = to nourish 滋养
6.alt = high 高的
7.am/em = to love 爱
8.anim = breath/mind 气息/心
9.ann/enn = year 年
10.anthrop = man 人类
11.aqu = water 水
12.arch/archy = governor/to govern 统治者/统治
13.arm = weapons 武器
14.audi/audit = to hear 听
15.avi/au = bird 鸟
字母 B 开头的重要词根
16.bar = bar 横木
17.bat = to beat 打
18.bell = war 战争
19.biblio = book 书
20.bio = life 生命
21.brev(i) = short 短的
字母 C 开头的重要词根
22.cad/cid/cas = to fall 落下/降临
23.cand = white/bright 白色的/光亮的
24.cap = head/to take 头/取得
25.carn = meat 肉
26.cede/ceed/cess = to go/to yield 去/让步
27.cent = hundred 百
28.centr = center 中心
29.cert = sure 确定
30.chron = time 时间
31.cide/cise = to cut/kill 切/杀
32.circ/cyc = ring 环/圆
33.cite = to call 喊叫
34.claim/clam = to cry 大喊/喊出
35.clud/clus/clos = to shut/close 关闭
36.cogn/gnos = to know 知道
37. cord = heart 心
38. corp/corpor = body 身体
39. cosm/cosmo = universe 宇宙
40. cracy/crat= to govern/governor 统治者/统治
41. cred = to believe/trust 相信/信任
42. cruc = cross 十字
43. cub/cumb = to lie down 横躺/卧
44. cult = to till/to work at 耕种/从事
45. cur/cours/curs = run 跑/流淌
46. cure/cur = to take care 关心/留意
字母 D 开头的重要词根
47. dem(o) = people 人/民众
48. dent = tooth 牙齿
49. dic/dict = to say 说
50. dign/dain = worthy 有价值的
51. divid/divis = to divide 分割
52. doc/doct = to teach 教
53. dom = house/to tame/to rule 房屋/驯服/统治
54. don/dot/dow = to give 给予
55. dorm = to sleep 睡眠
56. dogma/dox = opinion 观点
57. du = two 二
58. duc/duct = to lead 引导
59. dyn/dynam = power 力量
字母 E 开头的重要词根
60. ego = self 自我
61. electr = electrical 电的
62. equ = equal 相等的/平均的
63. err = to wander/to err 漫游/犯错
64. ev = age 年龄/寿命/时期
字母 F 开头的重要词根
65.fact/fect = to make/to do 做
66. fend/fest = to strike 打击
67. fer = to carry/to bear 带/忍受
68. fess = to speak 说
69. fict/fig = to feign 假装
70. fid = to trust 相信
71. fin = to end 完成
72. fix = to fasten 固定
73. flat = to blow 吹
74.flect/flex = to bend 弯曲
75. flor = flower 花
76.flu = to flow 流动
77.form = to form 形成/形状
78.frag/fract = to break 打破/折
78.fug = to flee 逃走/逃散
80.fuse = to pour 倾/倒/灌/流
字母 G 开头的重要词根
81.gam = marriage 婚姻
82.gen/gene/geno = to produce/ race 生产/种族
83.grad/gress = to walk/step 步行/走
84.gram = writing/drawing 文字/图形
85.graph = to write 写
86.grav = heavy 重
87.greg = group 群/集合
字母 H 开头的重要词根
88.habit = to dw ............

书籍《英语词汇的奥秘放口袋》 - 插图1
书籍《英语词汇的奥秘放口袋》 - 插图2


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