TheIslandofDoctorMoreau - (EPUB全文下载)

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In the space of less than four years, H. G. Wells (1866–1946) published four of the most influential, original and hair-raising of all works of science-fiction. In a life of tireless experiment, travelling and intellectual engagement, Wells was both a leading public figure and one of the great imaginers of the modern world.
Wells’s other science-fiction classics The Time Machine, The Invisible Man and The War of the Worlds are also published in the Penguin English Library.
Three Contemporary Reviews of The Island of Doctor Moreau
Unsigned review in Spectator
The ingenious author of The Time Machine has found in this little book a subject exactly suited to his rather peculiar type of imagination. When he tried to conceive the idea of making a man of the nineteenth century travel in time, so that he was at the same moment both contemporary with and far removed from the people of a prehistoric age, he conceived an idea which was really quite too self-contradictory to be worked out with any sort of coherence. But in this little book he has worked out a notion much less intrinsically incoherent, and though impossible, yet not so impossible as to be quite inconceivable. In other words, the impossibility is of a less unworkable order, though it is also much more gruesome. He has taken a few of the leading methods of the modern surgery and exaggerated them in the hands of an accomplished vivisector into a new physiological calculus that enables its professor to transmute various animals into the semblance of man, – after a fashion of which he gives us a notion in the passage we are just about to extract.
‘You forget all that a skilled vivisector can do with living things,’ said Moreau. ‘For my own part I’m puzzled why the things I have done here have not been done before. Small efforts of course have been made – amputation, tongue-cutting, excisions. Of course you know a squint may be induced or cured by surgery? Then in the case of excisions you have all kinds of secondary changes, pigmentary disturbances, modifications of the passions, alterations in the secretion of fatty tissue. I have no doubt you have heard of these things?’
‘Of course,’ said I. ‘But these foul creatures of yours—’
‘All in good time,’ said he, waving his hand at me; ‘I am only beginning. Those are trivial cases of alteration. Surgery can do better things than that. There is building up as well as breaking down and changing. You have heard, ............

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