TheFourthSideoftheTriangle - (EPUB全文下载)

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The Fourth Side of the Triangle
Ellery Queen
Part I
The First Side SHEILA
That oozing Tuesday in August, Dane was planning his weekend. The choices were several. He was invited to a party the guiding idea of which was to charter a canalboat in Newcastle, Pennsylvania, and glide through Bucks County watching the south end of the mule head north along the towpath (or was it the north end heading south?), lallygagging around under the awning away from the gassy streets of the metropolitan summer. It was tempting to contemplate a floating journey through a tunnel of cool green trees; and afterward, in the evening, fireflies, lanterns on lawns, and dancing.
Or there was the invitation to join friends on Fire Island; the swimming would be better (Dane liked surf), and the trip was shorter.
A third choice lay up the Hudson, at an estate near Rhine-beck. It meant a pool for swimming (Dane detested pools), and the nuisance of formal dress; but the food would be superb, and one or two of the women, too.
Of one thing he was certain: wherever he wound up, it was not going to be in New York, broiling to death. No matter what.
But there was a matter.
Because this was before he found out about his father.
* * *
The first McKell had come to America while New York was still Nieuw Amsterdam, following a small disagreement with the Laird of the Clan. It was with some disquiet that the disgruntled immigrant subsequently observed the royal banner of the Stuarts waving over his city of refuge, Peter Stuyvesant not to the contrary; but the Duke of York and his lieutenants seemed not to be interested in any affront offered The McKell by his hot-tempered cousin. Gradually he came out of retreat; cautiously he began to buy a little and sell a little, to export and import in a modest way. This founding McKell took a wife, begat progeny, and died in the Presbyterian faith, leaving an estate of

,500 and the advice, “Be aye canny wi’ sil’er and dinna spend it saftly.” His eldest son took the pioneer’s advice to heart so earnestly that he was reputed never to spend sil’er at all. In any case, the son left

1000 in the family strongbox and a sloop in the Hudson River.
So it had gone, McKell outdoing McKell in enterprise and thrift. During the Civil War the reigning McKell, one James, proved the man for the time. James hired a substitute in the draft, took contracts to supply the Union Army with black walnut wood for riflestocks, died seized of an apoplexy, and left almost $1,000,000 ............

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