TheArtandScienceofVedicAstrology - (EPUB全文下载)

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The Art and Science of Vedic Astrology
Copyright © 2012 by Ryan Kurczak& Richard Fish
ISBN-13: 978-1475267655
Asheville Vedic AstrologyAsheville, NC Telephone828-423-6636Email: ryan@ashevillevedicastrology.comweb site:
1. Study and Practice
2. Meditation and Astrology
3. Fundamental Terminology
4. The Planets
5. Planetary Conditions
6. Planets and Signs
7. The Houses
8. Planetary Aspects
9. The All Important Ascendant
10. Planetary Yogas
11. Divisional Charts
12. The Vimshotari Dasha System
13. Transits
14. Jyotish and Ayurveda
15. Remedial Measures
16. Practical Chart Work
17. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
About the Authors
The purpose of this book is to present a basic course in astrological technique and astrological knowledge, while providing a functional framework for the development of the intuitive capabilities characteristic of a competent astrologer. Astrological rules, the meanings of planets, houses, signs and their interrelationships form the body, the structure of astrology. The creative intelligence organizes the information and reveals the message of the horoscope to the astrologer. The full value of astrology is realized when the two unite.
In this regard, to be an astrologer requires sufficient intellectual skill to comprehend the concepts presented. In the words of Sri Yukteswar, “Astrology is too vast, both mathematically and philosophically, to be rightly grasped except by men of profound understanding. If ignoramuses misread the heavens and see there a scrawl instead of a script that is to be expected in this imperfect world. One should not dismiss the wisdom with the wise.”
With the advent of computer programs, much of the mathematical calculations no longer present a barrier. However, one intent on astrological study may still need to strengthen the mental faculty. If the mind does not initially comprehend the material, it will with time, intention to understand, and repeated exposure.
To the uninitiated, a Vedic astrological chart looks like a square, sectioned into twelve portions and randomly peppered with glyphs. Each section has a particular meaning. Each glyph represents a sign or a planet. Depending on what sections of the chart the glyphs fall and where they are relative to each other, many meanings are possible.
What takes one from an arm chair philosopher and makes them into an astrolo ............

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