SecretsofSandHillRoad - (EPUB全文下载)
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An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC
Copyright © 2019 by Scott Kupor
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ISBN: 9780593083581 (hardcover)
ISBN: 9780593083598 (ebook)
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Cover design: Karl Spurzem
To all the women in my life—Laura, Ashlee, Alexa, and Amanda—who put up with my silly antics, yet remind me every day of how lucky I am to enjoy their love
Title Page
Foreword by Eric Ries
1. Born in the Bubble
2. So Really, What Is Venture Capital?
3. How Do Early-Stage VCs Decide Where to Invest?
4. What Are LPs and Why Should You Care?
5. The “Limited” Edition: How LPs Team Up with VCs
6. Forming Your Startup
7. Raising Money from a VC
8. The Art of the Pitch
9. The Alphabet Soup of Term Sheets: Part One (Economics)
10. The Alphabet Soup of Term Sheets: Part Two (Governance)
11. The Deal Dilemma: Which Deal Is Better?
12. Board Members and the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval
13. In Trados We Trust
14. Difficult Financings: When Bad Things Happen to Good People
15. Exit Stage Left (The Good Kind)
Conclusion: The World Is Flat
Appendix: Sample Term Sheet
About the Author
Scott Kupor’s Secrets of Sand Hill Road: Venture Capital and How to Get It
is motivated by the desire to democratize opportunity. It demystifies venture capital, laying out how this crucial part of the startup ecosystem works for anyone who picks it up. It examines the VC startup life cycle from every angle, including how VCs decide where to invest, how to pitch, and all the many, many legal and financial details and players involved in forming and growing a startup. ............
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